import * as FontAwesome from 'react-icons/fa' or import multiple icons from the same pack import {MdCancel, MdChat, MdCheck} from 'react-icons/md'; every icon pack is in their own folder Material Design Icons => ./md FontAwesome => ./fa Typicons => ./ti Github Octicons => ./go...
6: The last functionality that we want to add to our<Code/>component is to be able to choose between a dark or light theme. We will do this simply with the icons that are usually used in these cases, a sun icon and a moon icon. This button will do is to change the state that ...
Adding IconsIonic React comes with ( pre-installed. All you need to do is import the icon of your choice from the ionicons package, and pass it to an IonIcon component through the icon prop:import React from 'react';import { IonButton, IonContent, IonIc...
Interested in making contribution to this project? Want to report a bug? Please read the contribution guide.Inspiration & CreditsThis project is heavily inspired by video.js, and most of our css styles came from video.js's styles. The document site is built with reactstrap. All the icons ...
Getting Started with React Native Managing Your Projects About Projects Setting Data Processing Locations Accessing Multiple Data Processing Locations Through Your App Querying Your Developer ID and Project ID Billing Service Pricing and Subscription Topping Up Your Account Viewing ...
Next, we will define the markup for our toast notification. In this example, we will create a toast notification with a message, an icon and a dismiss button.import { IconAlertCircleFilled, IconCircleCheckFilled, IconCircleXFilled, IconInfoCircleFilled, IconX, } from "@tabler/icons-react";...
And, of course, like all KendoReact components, the AIPrompt is also totally customizable, allowing you to render custom components for the “Generate” button and prompt icon. If you’re using a design system that already has pre-defined styles for buttons and icons, you can seamlessly integ...
After you create components using anAction, you might well need to customize them. For example, you might want to customize the appearance of one of the components by adding or deleting the icon or text. For example,ActionDemo.javahas no icons in its menus, and no text in its buttons. ...
With over 60,000GitHub stars,Material-UIis one of the most popular React UI libraries. It has components, styles, themes, icons, and so much more and can be used as a single resource for all your styling needs. In this guide, we will discuss how to install Material-UI, import componen... How to React to Changes in the Zoom and Scroll Levels You can provide custom code that will be executed when the zoom and scroll levels change on a graph. In a managed bean you store methods that takes as input a ZoomEvent or ScrollEvent. With these events, users can determine...