Using However in a Sentence Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How do you use however in the middle of a sentence? The word however can be used in various ways in the middle of a sentence. Here is one example: "My teacher let us decorate our desks however we liked." In some ...
1 Rewrite the following sentences, using a sentence pattern from one of the boxes below. the reason (that/why) …the fact that …eg. The reason energy and water sit at the top, ahead of food and poverty, is that addressing them makes subsequent problems easier to deal with. (Para. 3...
"However" can be used at the start of a sentence, but in that case it is indicating a contrast with something in a previous sentence, not with something later in teh same sentence. "However" can often be replaced with "but". If that makes no sense, the use of "however" may be inc...
Less well-known, however, was that the "Aryan" girl it claimed to be actually Jewish. (Text, Unit 3) 1 He has fully recovered from his bad accident. This shows that medicine can work wonders.2 Why are businesses moving their plants to developing countries? It's because labor costs in ...
The meaning of USE is to put into action or service : avail oneself of : employ. How to use use in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Use.
However, in the senior high school stage, it is necessary to learn English knowledge step by step and cultivate students' core literacy of English subject. As far as the contents of this section are concerned. This section is more practical for students, but for most students, they don't ...
However, he吴老师上周五去看《窈窕淑女》了。然did not enjoy himself. Read the sentences below and find out而,他过得并不愉快。读下面的句子,找why.Join the two parts of each sentence with although出原因。用although/though连接每个句子though.的两部分。1 ①I left early to avoid the rush hour/...
Put together, 什么时候 literally means "what time." However, "when" is a more correct translation of the phrase. If you want to ask "what time is it?" you would usually say: 现在几点了(xiàn zài jǐ diǎn le)?Pronunciation The phrase is made up of 4 characters: 什么时候. 什 is ...
Revision More examples in the reading passage: abbreviating: IT, US changing the part of speech: When we…see…snow, we can say… “it’s snowing”. adding a prefix or suffix: paint-painting, hard-hardly, soft-softly, harm-harmless / harmful, shame-shameless / shameful, visi...
We're going skating on Friday in the sculpture garden. In this sentence, are going is the present continuous form of the verb to go and skating is the gerund. Note, however, that you will not see two -ing words together when go...