In java I parse the same yaml file using snakeyaml. it adds the map to a triple hashmap datastructure: HashMap<String, Map<String, Map<String, String>>> and I can conveniently do a get in in this. Is there any easy way to do something like this in C++11?Owner...
My feeling is that the debugger is becoming incredibly bloated and we really should stop putting more stuff in there. I agree it's getting bloated, but I'd just split it into multiple classes instead. Right now everything goes into one file and gets accumulated in one big if else block....
intstart,stop,time; start=clock();for(inti=0; i<DATA_SIZE; i++) { Data d; d=data_vec[i];inthash=d.hash(HMAP_SIZE); hmap[hash][d]=0; } stop=clock(); time=stop-start; cout <<"hashmap access time="; cout << time << endl; start=clock();for(inti=0; i<DATA_SIZE; ...
HashMap是线程安全的吗?如何实现线程安全?7.ConcurrentHashMap的实现原理?8.了解有什么锁吗?(举个例子,MySQL的锁)9.java中有什么锁?synchronized的应用场景?10.双亲委派机制11.new一个对象,这个对象会放在哪里?一定会放在堆里吗?12.垃圾回收算法。新生代用什么垃圾回收算法,老年代用什么算法?13... 面试中的破防...
#includelt;iostreamgt; using namespace std; int post[] = {3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 1}; int mid[] = {3, 2, 4, 1, 6, 5}; void pre(int root, int start, i_牛客网_牛客在手,offer不愁
You may try compile OpenCL demos incpp/Build/sketches_OCLin the same way. This will require properly installed GPU drivers and opencl libraris. These are platform dependent. Personally I tested withnvidia-opencl-dev. Note:be very carefull when installing GPU drivers on linux, ou can easily...
void TCatboostModelToCppConverter::WriteModelCatFeatures(const TFullModel& model, const THashMap<ui32, TString>* catFeaturesHashToString) {-CB_ENSURE(model.ModelTrees->GetDimensionsCount() == 1, "Export of MultiClassification model to cpp is not supported.");+// CB_ENSURE(model.ModelTrees...
To pre-compile test.h, execute "g++ -O2 -Wall -x c++-header test.h -o test.h.gch" To compile test file, execute "g++ -O2 -Wall -include test.h primitivehashmap.h main.cpp" To run test file, execute "./test" The table is built using C++ primitive. Optimization is done by cho...
main.cpp add hashset, hashmap + refactoring Dec 7, 2018 mini-tor.sln add clang support (again) Dec 21, 2018 mini-tor.vcxproj mini::buffer_ref & mini::string_ref improvements Dec 27, 2018 mini-tor.vcxproj.filters mini::buffer_ref & mini::string_ref improvements ...
[2/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/java-bindings/JHashMap.cpp.o [3/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/java-bindings/JFrameProcessorPlugin.cpp.o [4/10] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/VisionCamera.dir/src/main/cpp/java-...