The use of geophysical data to accurately determine water levels is demonstrated for an aquifer within the Saint-Narcisse moraine in the Mauricie region of southeastern Québec, Canada. Two numerical simulations were conducted using FEFLOW, one based on regional piezometric data and the other using g...
View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar van den Berg et al., 2017 M.M. van den Berg, M. van Poppel, I. van Kamp, et al. Do physical activity, social cohesion, and loneliness mediate the association between time spent visiting green space and mental health? Environ. Behav. (20...
14 estimated the initially infected individuals in each subpopulation through microblogging data from Twitter and also estimating the reproduction number \(R_0\) for USA, Italy, and Spain separately. However, international travel was not considered in this study, and GLEaM was applied to each of ...
Typically, topography maps are reconstructed from a z-stack, that is, a collection of images from different focal planes acquired sequentially, as in confocal microscopy6 or interferometry7. This process can be slow, in particular for bulky objects that require large mechanical displacements between ...
or write q() in the Console window. Google Maps Key Unfortunately, before getting started, a preliminary step is required. Some of the most common packages rely on Google Maps API, therefore you need to get an API key from Google Developers Console. Google Maps API is not a free ...
Vidal-Abarca et al., (2014) used the DPSIR framework to explore complex interlinkages between fluvial and social ecosystems in Spain. Bradley and Yee (2015) presented a case study that used DPSIR to support complex environmental decisions around ecological issues, tourism and recreation, and ...
For example, the argumentative support structures implicit in text can be made spatially explicit in an argument map by representing it with arrows. 2.2.2. Maps Two kinds of diagrammatic representations have been found to support good essay-writing: concept maps and argument maps. Concept maps ...
Validation of landslide susceptibility maps; examples and applications from a case study in Northern Spain. Nat. Hazards 30 (3), 437-449. [80] Roushangar, K., Koosheh, A., 2015. Evaluation of GA-SVR method for modeling bed load transport in gravel-bed rivers. J. Hydrol. 527, 1142-...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, information on what people are interested in and what they are disseminating can be an important public health resource. Most studies on public opinion during the pandemic have focused on social networking services in the context of the early phases of the pandemic ...
In this research, the first step was to assess the importance of effective factors on flood, landslide, and forest fire occurrence using the Boruta algorithm. Next, the aim was to prepare susceptibility maps for different hazards using the RF data mining algorithm. Then, the three risks were ...