You will need to connect your Google Docs Account to proceed. Sign in to your Google Documents select a Google Account you want to use. Then, select the Chat transcript as an action. You can then decide if you want to filter particular chats. For the purpose of this tutorial, we won’...
Video TutorialUsing the same screencasting software mentioned above, students could also create their own video tutorials by creating a Slides presentation on their topic (such as “How to Open a Combination Lock”), then recording the slideshow with narration. This would make a nice final ...
First, great tutorial. It helped a lot to understand several doubts. I’m starting now with scripting on Google spreadsheets and I’m a little lost … I use an IMPORTXML (“”; “//div[@title=’Valor atual do ativo’]/strong”) that searches ...
In Part 1 of the tutorial, we installed Unity* and selected an image for style transfer, and optionally used Unity* Recorder to record in-game footage. In this part, we will use the free tier of Google Colab to train a style transfer model. Google Colab provides a vir...
Function Calling: The Gemini API works great with code. Use this quickstart to learn how to write prompts to understand and call functions. Then check out thefunction calling configtutorial to learn more. System Instructions: Give models additional context on how to respond by setting system instr...
Blazor for ABSOLUTE beginners in 21 Minutes - August 22, 2022 - In this tutorial you will learn the basics of building a website with Blazor and how the default Blazor project template works. If you have any problems feel free to leave a comment and I will try and get back to you. ...
You can display a different text by adding it to the “Add New” field, and you can set the pause between animations, along with choosing the effect and the highlight color. If you want to find out more about this, please check outthis tutorial. ...
Training was performed according to the TensorFlow Object Detection API documentation ( Evaluation of segmentation accuracy was performed manually using 36 test images containing 230 embryos. Segmented images and ...
Once in the Console, select your Google Cloud Project, then click either: Use pre-built agents, the start with a template. Create Agent to start from scratch. For this tutorial, we recommend you use one of the pre-built agents. "Small Talk" is a good one to start with. Expand image...
To set up a private pool for a private cluster, seethis tutorial. What's next Find out more aboutCloud Deploy target configuration. Read aboutCloud Build private pools. Read abouthow Cloud Build uses VPC Service Controls. Learn about how Cloud Deploy usesservice accounts. ...