针对你的问题“using git_ssh to set credentials”,我可以从生成 SSH 密钥对、配置公钥、本地 Git 配置以及测试 SSH 连接等几个方面来详细解答。 1. 生成 SSH 密钥对 首先,你需要在本地计算机上生成一对 SSH 密钥(公钥和私钥)。这通常通过 ssh-keygen 命令来完成。 bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C...
1、安装 docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts 2、创建目录 [root@localhost ~] cd /data/ [root@localhost data] mkdir jenkins_home 3、启动 docker run -di --name=jenkins -p 8080:8080 -v /data/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts 启动失败: # 可能是端口被占用 杀死占用端口即可 # ...
Copy the HTTPS URL if you are using either Git credentials with your IAM user or the credential helper included with the AWS CLI. Copy the HTTPS (GRC) URL if you are using thegit-remote-codecommitcommand on your local computer. Copy the SSH URL if you are using an SSH public/private ...
You can configure WSL so that GCM will use the WSL Git configuration, but this means that proxy settings will be unique to the specific WSL installation and not shared with others or the Windows host.Git with SSHGit Credential Manager only works with HTTP(S) remotes. You can still use ...
If your environment doesn't have an integration available, configure your IDE with a Personal Access Token or SSH to connect to your repositories.Install Git Credential ManagerWindowsDownload and run the latest Git for Windows installer, which includes Git Credential Manager. Make sure to enable ...
Step 1: Generate SSH Key Pair The first step is to generate the SSH key pair. Unix systems have a built-in SSH module, while Windows does not. However, it is possible to use theGit Bashterminal on Windows to generate the keys.
eb setenv eb ssh eb status eb swap eb tags eb terminate eb upgrade eb use Common options Security Data protection Data encryption Internetwork privacy Identity and access management AWS managed policies Logging and monitoring Compliance validation Resilience Infrastructure security Shared responsibility model...
Enabling 2FA doesn't change how you authenticate to GitHub on the command line using SSH URLs. For more information about setting up and using an SSH key, seeConnecting to GitHub with SSH. If you lose access to your two-factor authentication credentials, you ...
Runs a command inside a container. Can be used to perform maintenance tasks or as a replacement forsshto log in to a container. For example: $ID=$(docker run -d debian sh -c "while true; do sleep 1; done;")$docker exec $ID echo "Hello"Hello $docker exec -it $ID /bin/bashroo...
You should use project deploy tokens ifhttpaccess is possible. If you requiregit+sshaccess, you should use deploy keys. To compare deploy keys and deploy tokens, seeDeploy keys. Support for automating deploy token creation, rotation, and reporting is proposed inissue 389393. ...