It discusses how to use Excel to solve a variety of problems in introductory engineering analysis, such as graphing data, unit conversions, simple statistical analysis, sorting, searching and analyzing data, curve fitting, interpolation, solving algebraic equations, logical decisions, evaluating integrals...
The article provides information on the processes through which algebraic concepts and equations can be solved to help students understand and appreciate mathematics. It notes that spreadsheets, such as that of Excel, are powerful tools that make teaching of processes for the solution of equations eas...
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The holy grail of using Excel to solve electronics problems is to use it to find the nearest E91 resistor values. The most common approach is a lookup table. In finding a value for a resistor or capacitor, we are limited to discrete values; but Solver takes the approach that the input ...
a本文介绍了如何利用利用Excel简单配煤的方法,利用不同煤种的工业分析有加权性质、精煤的质量指标通过Excel表格的线性代数运算,确定配煤中各种煤的比例,以满足要求煤的指标,体现了配煤的一种方便快捷方法。 This article introduced how uses the Excel simple coal blending the method, the industry analysis which the...
Thus we need to solve the following four linear equations in four unknowns: Solving these equations yields a = 2/3, b = -1/3, c = 1/3, d = 1/3, and so it follows that Excel Functions Excel Functions: Excel provides the following array functions to carry out the various matrix op...
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