The valid EU country codes are: Austria (at), Belgium (be), Bulgaria (bg), Croatia (hr), Cyprus (cy), Czechia (cz), Denmark (dk), Estonia (ee), Finland (fi), France (fr), Germany (de), Greece (gr), Hungary (hu), Ireland (ie), Italy (it), Latvia (lv), Lithuania (lt)...
Twenty-six million people are living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa; epidemics are widely dispersed, due to high levels of mobility. However, global elimination strategies do not consider mobility. We use Call Detail Records from 9 billion calls/texts to model mobility in Namibia; we quantify ...
ee-et for Estonia fi-fi for Finland fr-fr for France de-de for Germany gr-el for Greece hk-tzh for Hong Kong hu-hu for Hungary in-en for India id-id for Indonesia id-en for Indonesia (en) ie-en for Ireland il-he for Israel it-it for Italy jp-jp for Japan kr-kr for Korea...
Ömer Faruk Görçün, Erfan Babaee Tirkolaee, Ahmet Aytekin & Selçuk Korucuk 1894 Accesses 1 Altmetric Explore all metrics Abstract The freight transport industry is one of the primary sectors responsible for excessive energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Restructuring international... Greece $5000+ High Slovenia $5000+ Very High Turkey $2000+ High Serbia $2000+ High Greece $5000+ High Greece $2000+ Very High Gr...
In France, the local GDPR representative (Commission Informatique et Liberté, CNIL) has provided a software to guide the reflexion around security of personal data and the exposure risks in case of security fails. This software has been used to assess all the risks to be considered through ... Estonia $100+ - Estonia $2000+ 5,000+ - Estonia $500+ 100+ - Estonia $14k+ $250+ 50+ - Estonia $1k+ $50+ - Estonia $1k+ $0+ - Estonia $100+ 2,000+ Medium 1,849 Results in this Full ...
In 1999 he won the Tour deFrance and in 2003 he achieved his goal of winning five Tours de France.1999年他赢得了环法自行车赛的冠军。到2003年他完成了自己在环法自行车赛上五次夺冠的目标。 Michellie Jones米歇尔·琼斯 Date of... Estonia $1k+ $10+ - Estonia $10+ - Estonia $10+ - 2,499 Results in this Full Report.We know of 3,279,385 live sites using FlexSlider and 8,164,646 sites in total including historical. · Page 1 of 63List...
WordPress customers that have an address in the United Kingdom. WordPress websites in Brazil WordPress customers that have an address in Brazil. WordPress websites in France WordPress customers that have an address in France. WordPress websites in the Netherlands WordPress customers that have an...