You can use SysRq commands in the EC2 Serial Console browser-based client or in an SSH client. The command to send a break request is different for each client. To use SysRq, choose one of the following procedures based on the client that you are using. (Linux instances) Use SysRq to...
After you configured GRUB to read and write to the serial port, you can access the GRUB menu using EC2 Serial Console. This console provides a Secure Shell (SSH) session to securely access your EC2 instance’s serial port. The SSH session is authorized using anSSH key pair...
Launch, configure Amazon ECS Linux container instances using Amazon EC2 console, specify tags, user data, IAM role, storage. October 5, 2024 Keyspaces › devguide Step 1: Launch an Amazon EC2 instance Launch EC2 instance, create VPC endpoint for Keyspaces, configure instance, connect securely....
Key pair: my_key_pair (created before on EC2 web console) Security group: sg-XXXXXXXX (created before on EC2 web console) Subnet id: subnet-YYYYYYYY (created before on EC2 web console) If you want to get security groups and subnets ids from the cli, these are the two instructions you ...
Design and Deployment Guide for extending FlexPod to the Hybrid Cloud for Disaster Recover and Data Replication powered by Automation and Observability with Cisco Intersight Published February 2022 In partnership with: About the Cisco Validated Design Program The Cisco Validated Design (CVD) program ...
Connect via serial connectionand log in to your agent’s local console Figure 5: Enable boot diagnostics On theAWS DataSync Activation – Configurationmain menu, enter 0 to get an activation key. Enter the AWS Region that you will activate the agent in. ...
When you encounter an error message that you are not able to resolve, along with a copy of the message that appears on the console or in the system log, provide your Cisco technical support representative with sample output of these commands: show license tech support , show license history ...
How can you connect to CONSOLE on Windows 2012 remotely? How do I add an additional RD Session Host? (2012 R2) How do I allow more than 2 RDP sessions to a Windows Server 2012 How do I change the URL to the Remote Web Access server in Windows Server 2012? how do i connect to a...
EC2 doesn't even offer windows. Anonymous August 23, 2008 Thanks for the article. I have successfully installed and using Microsoft Server 2008. I also have installed VMware just to run xp and vista on it. However I ran in a bit of problem trying to get the video ca...
Log in to one of the Controller nodes and display the current running DNS service pool configuration to the console: $ ssh tripleo-admin@${CTRL_IP} sudo podman exec -i -u root \ designate-central designate-manage pool show_config Sample output Pool Configuration: --...