This pattern follows a few high-level considerations explained in more detail in the next sections of this article: The application uses Kubernetes-native solutions, to avoid vendor lock-in. The application uses a microservices architecture. Azure Stack Hub doesn't need inbound but allows outbound...
to visualize the network of interest, a process supported by multiple software packages. The two most popular visualization packages, Cytoscape7and Gephi8, have been used in over 40,000 publications, documenting the wide and cross-disciplinary role of graph layouts from systems biology to ecology,...
All beam elements used in this work have circular (or hollow circular) cross-sections. Members that lie along an RVE face are modified by scaling their radius such that their cross-sectional area is a half (as only half the member is inside the RVE). A similar modification is made to ...
. Owing to the periodic energy exchange between cavity and electronic system, the net decay rate alternates between the faster decay of the cavity (black arrow), and the slower decay of the electronic excitation. Fitting the data in this delay range with an exponential function, we find an...
Find the volume of the solid that lies inside the circle, {eq}x^2 + y^2 = 1 {/eq}, and below the shape, {eq}z = (x^2 + y^2)^{\frac{5}{2}} {/eq} using cylindrical coordinates. Solving the Volume of t...
Measurements were made in the electron energy range 0.045–4 eV with an energy resolution between 0.045 and 0.120 eV, and the cross sections, which showed some structure, ranged from 1.25 × 10−14 cm² at the lowest energy to 1.7 × 10−16cm² at the highest energy. Similar ...
An automated and efficient method for extraction of tunnel cross sections using terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) data is presented. In this process, a three-dimensional (3D) point cloud acquired from the TLS is projected onto a horizon plane, converted to a two-dimensional (2D) planar image, ...
Fig. 6. (a) Schematic diagram of the flow past a stationary single particle and (b) cross section view of the locally refined mesh. It is confirmed in advance that the simulation domain is sufficiently large so that the results are not sensitive to the boundary effects. In order to reduce...
(a) Scanning electron microscopy image of a typical device (top) and a rendered counterpart of the cross-section through the red dashed line (bottom) with an inset showing the active region to highlight the important features of the sample; an InGaAs quantum well and barriers made of AlAs....
Subjects received immediate feedback as to whether their response was correct or incorrect. If no response was made within 4 s, they were timed out. The presentation of each checkerboard was signaled by a fixation cross in the center of the screen presented for 1 s. Overall 128 exemplars (...