1 此方法为大家演示在Solidworks工程图导出PDF文件报错时的解决方法,对于其他情况下出现的同样报错,可做参考使用。第一步:打开需要导出PDF文件的工程图,启用快捷键“ctrl+p”打印图纸;2 第二步:进入打印选项后,系统打印机选择“Adobe PDF”,然后点击右侧的“属性”,3 第三步:进入属性设置页面后,将图示箭头...
Minimum Storage Requirements: You must have at least 10GB free on the system drive (C:\) Partition NTFS ONLY Windows Subsystem For Android™ can only be installed on a NTFS partition, not on an exFAT partition Windows Features Needed Virtual Machine Platform Enabled Windows Hypervisor Plat...
Highlight everything except for theAlter Databasecommand, and then select theCommentbutton: 备注 The keyboard shortcut to comment text isCTRL + K, CTRL + C. Highlight theAlter Databaseportion of the text, and then select theUncommentbutton to uncomment it: ...
I tried the new command with the example given here:http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/faq/outreg.htm After execution, the following error occur, afteroutreg using test.doc, nolabel replace MakeSmat(): 3499 _CColJoin() not found CalcStats(): - function returned error <istmt>: - funct...
$VCInstallHome = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%");foreach ($STORE in & "$VCInstallHome\vmafdd\vecs-cli" store list){Write-host STORE: $STORE;& "$VCInstallHome\vmafdd\vecs-cli" entry list --store $STORE --text | findstr /C:"Alias" /C:"Not Aft...
打开Active Directory 管理中心的另一种方法是:依次单击“开始”和“运行”,然后键入“dsac.exe”。 然后打开 Active Directory 管理中心窗口顶部附近的添加导航节点,并选择添加导航节点。 提示 打开“添加导航节点”的另一方法是:单击右键“Active Directory 管理中心”导航窗格中的任意位置,然后单击“添加导航节点”。
.9 $ (. etc/profile.d/conda.sh&&conda activate env&&conda --version) conda 4.4.9 $ (. etc/profile.d/conda.sh&&conda activate base&&bash -c'conda --version') conda 4.4.9 $ (. etc/profile.d/conda.sh&&conda activate env&&bash -c'conda --version') bash: conda:commandnot found...
... Executing command 'g++ -dumpmachine' ...Yes ('x86_64-linux-gnu'). Found installed compiler 'nvcc'. Set PATH = :/usr/nvvm/bin:/usr/bin:;/usr/local/cuda-8.0/bin:/home/simon/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/...
not Found\" }\n" Oct 29 13:22:49 something.example.com atomic-openshift-node[5064]: E1029 13:22:49.662389 5064 nestedpendingoperations.go:267] Operation for "\"flexvolume-openshift.io/cifs/11c26268-1a0b-11eb-9d7a-0050568c201f-cifs2\" (\"11c26268-1a0b-11eb-9d7a-0050568c201f...
Do not show interactive sdk logs (shown by default) --wallet string wallet file (default is wallet.json) --wallet_client_id string wallet client_id --wallet_client_key string wallet client_key --withNonce int nonce that will be used in transaction (default is 0) Use "zbox [command] -...