If you add words to a quotation, enclose them in brackets like [this]. If you omit words in a quotation, use an ellipsis, which is three periods separated by spaces ( . . . ) to show where the words were removed. You may want to add or omit words in quotations to make them clea...
9. To add a word or a remark to a quotation, or to replace a word or remark in the quotation, you must place your word or remark in square brackets [ ], e.g., “The child [Adam] was left miserably abandoned” (Price 206). ...
The year the article was published or last updated (in round brackets) Title of the post (in italics) [Facebook] Day/month the post was uploaded Available at: URL (Accessed: date) In-text citation The Trump rally drew large crowds in South Carolina (Trump campaign, 2016). ...
It is used to indicate that something incorrectly written is intentionally being left as it was in the original. Sic is usually italicized and always surrounded by brackets to indicate that it was not part of the original. Place [sic] right after the error....