The System.Transactions namespace provides a transaction framework that is fully integrated with ADO.NET and SQL Server common language runtime (CLR) integration. The System.Transactions.TransactionScope class makes a code block transactional by implicitly enlisting connections in a distributed transaction....
public void FindAll() { using (var trans = BeginTransaction()) { var invoices = Session.CreateCriteria<Invoice>().List<Invoice>(); trans.Commit(); // In here invoice that i updated earlier get updated again, using old values. return invoices; } } Why it's getting updated again...
SELECT DB_NAME(dtr.database_id) 'database_name', sess.session_id, AS 'tran_name', atr.transaction_id, transaction_type, transaction_begin_time, database_transaction_begin_time, transaction_state, is_user_transaction, sess.open_transaction_count, TRIM(REPLACE( REPLACE( SUBSTRING( SUB...
此supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax 方法是由 java.sql.DatabaseMetaData 介面中的 supportsStoredFunctionsUsingCallSyntax 方法所指定。 另請參閱 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 方法 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 成員 SQLServerDatabaseMetaData 類別 其他資源 事件 ...
kept open after the transaction is committed to the database, or when it is rolled back. However, it is sometimes useful for the result set to be closed, after the transaction has been committed. To do this, the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server supports the use of result set ...
Every BEIGN must have also an END, in your case a COMMIT
= 0) BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION RAISERROR(''Operation completed successfully.'', 10, 1) END ' --ADD CONSTRAINT: SELECT ' BEGIN TRANSACTION BEGIN TRY' SELECT ' ALTER TABLE [' + ForeignKeyConstraintTableSchema + '].[' + ForeignKeyConstraintTableName + '] ADD CONSTRAINT ' + ForeignKeyConstra...
When you try to use the Sales Transaction Entry window in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you receive the following error message: Transaction Level Posting Has Not Completed. Your previous transaction-level posting has not finished processing. Please allow time for it to finish...
Scenario 4: Multiple StoreFront server groups and a dedicated Microsoft SQL server instance in each data center per server group Note: This is an advanced configuration. Only attempt it if you are an experienced SQL server administrator familiar with transaction replication, and you have ...
sqlOptions.EnableRetryOnFailure(maxRetryCount: 5, maxRetryDelay:TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), errorNumbersToAdd:null); }); }); //… } } Execution strategies and explicit transactions using BeginTransaction() When retries are enabled in EF Core connections, each oper...