We make fetchTopPlayers() an async function so that we can use await within it. I gotta admit, having to define the inner function is a bit clunky. But, in my opinion, it's a small price to pay to drastically improve the developer experience of async useEffect calls. You know, what...
"use client";import{useState,useEffect}from"react";import{getCurrentUser,signInWithRedirect,signOut,fetchUserAttributes}from'aws-amplify/auth';import{generateClient}from"aws-amplify/data";importtype{Schema}from"@/amplify/data/resource";import"./../app/app.css";import{Amplify}from"aws-ampli...
useEffect(() => { (async () => { const status = await Camera.requestCameraPermission(); setHasPermission(status === 'authorized'); })(); }, []); const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => { 'worklet'; const scannedFaces = scanFaces(frame); runOnJS(setFaces)(scannedFaces...
useEffect(() => { const getUser = async () => { const ref = doc(getFirestore(getApp()), "events/mtv/users", AuthUser.id); const docSnap = await getDoc(ref); if (docSnap.exists()) { console.log("Document data:", docSnap.data()); } else { console.log("No such document!
const weather = await getWeather(); return ( <>This is the weatherTemperature: {weather.temperature}Humidity: {weather.humidity}</> ) } As the snippets illustrate, all API calls can be carried out using a plain old async/await. There is no need for conditional rendering or effects. Next...
useEffect(()=>{asyncfunctiongetValue(){const{ contract } = state;constvalue =awaitcontract.methods.get().call(); setStorageValue(value); } state.contract && getValue(); }, [state,state.contract]);return(The stored value is: {storageValue}); };exportdefaultApp;Code language:JavaScript(...
spacesSecret } }); useEffect(() => { const loadPhoneNumber = async () => { try { const storedPhoneNumber = await AsyncStorage.getItem('phone'); if (storedPhoneNumber) { setPhoneNumber(storedPhoneNumber); } else { Alert.alert('Error', 'Phone number not found'); } }...
let response = await faceio.authenticate({ locale: 'auto', }); alert(` You have been identified successfully Unique Facial ID: ${response.facialId} PayLoad: ${JSON.stringify(response.payload)} `); dispatch({ type: actionTypes.SET_USER, user: response.payload }); ...
Out=async()=>{awaitauth.signOut();setStatus('authenticated');};useEffect(()=>{onAuthStateChanged(auth,(user)=>{if(user)setStatus('authenticated');elsesetStatus('unauthenticated');});},[status]);return(<AuthCtx.Provider value={{signUp,status,signOut,user:auth.currentUser,}}>{children}...
Serial queries dependent on multiple previous, I have a polling flow in the app which is a sequence of queries running dependant on previous to finish. Up until I started to use react-query I just used async/await and Promise.all() to know whether previous requests finished or not. flo...