Audio in WebGL is done differently then on all other platforms. On other platforms we use FMOD internally to supply audio playback and mixing. Since the WebGL platform does not support threads, we need to use a different implementation, which is internal
由于WebGL平台不支持线程,因此我们需要使用不同的实现,这种实现在内部基于Web Audio API,可让浏览器为我们处理音频播放和混音。 不幸的是,这限制了Unity WebGL的音频功能,只支持最基本的功能。这个页面将记录预期的工作。目前没有列出的任何东西在WebGL上都不支持。 AudioSource 音频源支持基本的位置音频播放,包括暂...
09. 使用音频源(09. Using an audio source) - 大小:20m 目录:06. 使用游戏对象和组件 资源数量:106,Unity3D_Unity3D,06. 使用游戏对象和组件/01. 创建游戏对象,06. 使用游戏对象和组件/02. 理解组件,06. 使用游戏对象和组件/03. 使用碰撞器的障碍物,06. 使用游戏对象和组
UNITY_WEBGL_BUILD_URL:JSON文件的URL,包含有关构建的所有必要信息。 UNITY_WIDTH和UNITY_HEIGHT:播放器的屏幕宽度和高度(以像素为单位)。 UNITY_CUSTOM_SOME_TAG:如果您将标记添加到UNITY_CUSTOM_XXX格式的索引文件中,那么当您选择模板时,此标记将出现在播放器设置中。例如,如果像<title> Unity Player | %UNITY...
Audio augmented reality (AAR) is a new and fast-growing technology. We assume that AAR will improve the quality of services provided by marine tourism. In this research, the actual potential of AAR in marine tourism was studied by developing an AAR prototype using the Unity engine. We have ...
Audio Animation UI Navigation and Pathfinding Architecture How to contribute to Unity Platform SpecificUnity Manual Graphics Graphics Overview Particle Systems Using Particle Systems in UnityWhat is a Particle System?Particle System How-Tos Using Particle Systems in UnityUnity...
Learn how to make a moddable game in Unity by utilizing streaming assets to dynamically load custom game assets at run-time.
Audio file format is .ogg, supported by Unity. To reproduce: 1. Download the project, attached by user (BugDownloadHandlerAudioClip...
In return, children are able to see the physical sensor node augmented with virtual representations of the object’s emanated air pollutants measured by the sensor node, rendering visible the invisible. The game was implemented in Unity/Vuforia and interacts with a sensor node developed in the ...
36 - 在游戏中隐藏鼠标光标(36 - Hiding the Mouse Cursor in Game) 37 - 调整摄像机位置(37 - Adjusting the Camera Position) 38 - 统一质量设置(38 - Unity Quality Settings) 39 - 退出按钮(39 - Quit Button) 40 - 音频音高(40 - Audio Pitch) 41 - 建立最后的游戏(41 - Building the Final ...