''When am I going to ever use algebra in real-life scenarios?'' As a teacher, you have probably heard that question many times over the years. Lesson Course 192views Key Terms Rate: a specific type of ratio in which two completely different units are being compared ...
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Most real life planning requires reasoning with action as well as time. For efficient and effective reasoning, one must have a proper representation scheme to represent activities and temporal knowledge. Planning in real life requires reasoning while planning is in progress. A planning system's ...
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From linear algebra you know that if you have a collection of n-dimensional points, you can find some principal components, or eigenvectors, for this collection. These eigenvectors also form the basis of the space of these points. The eigenvector of the highest importance is the one with the...
Wearable sensors may enable the assessment of movement in a real-world setting, but they are not yet a standard practice in the analysis of movement due to the unknown accuracy and reliability with respect to different functional activities. Here, we established the concurrent validity and test–...
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At a time when the population is aging and the digital divide among older adults is becoming increasingly prominent, the research on the smartphone use behavior of the older adult in China is slightly insufficient. Therefore, this study aims to develop a
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SQL statements are executed by the database system in several steps, including: Parsing the SQL statement and checking its validity Transforming the SQL into an internal representation, such as relational algebra Optimizing the internal representation and creating an execution plan that utilizes index in...