Course Materials and Assignments. Contribute to tiagomestreteixeira/MITx-6.00.1x-Introduction-to-Computer-Science-and-Programming-Using-Python development by creating an account on GitHub.
seam ripper, Cricut weeding tool, or safety pin - to help fray the edges Instructions Watch the video tutorial before you begin, and let that be your visual guide for this project. Cut a piece of scrap drop cloth fabric and a piece of freezer paper to approx. 9-10 inches by 12-13 i...
Image Credit:Trisha Sprouse Step 1 Cut off the existing fabric from the headboard using a utility knife or seam ripper, but be careful to leave the foam padding intact. Image Credit:Trisha Sprouse Step 2 Spray the entire surface of the foam with spray adhesive. We Recommend Home Hacks & An...