The audio quantise engine works by snapping the detected Transient markers of an audio file to Logic's timing grid. Let's first look at a simple example, using a recording of a bass guitar. You can use any equivalent. 1. Open Flex Time (View / Flex View). From the Flex Mode menu ...
An ESP32 based foot pedal to communicate with the Spark Amp and Spark App via Bluetooth LE (iOS) and Bluetooth Serial (Android). Also works as a control device for a Looper app on the mobile. NEW: Ignitron also supports the built-in looper of Spark 2! Ignitron has been successfully tes...
Splitter offers users two stem separation options: a 2-stem model or a 5-stem model. The 2-stem option means the isolation of the vocals and the instrumental. The 5-stem model allows for the isolation of the bass line, the drums, the vocals, the piano, and other sounds. One of ...
The neural network is a re-creation of the LSTM inference model fromReal-Time Guitar Amplifier Emulation with Deep Learning TheAutomated-GuitarAmpModellingproject was used to train the .json models. GuitarML maintains aforkwith a few extra helpful features, including a Colab training script. IMPORT...
From shred to salsa, Digital Performer's amp modelling tools can cater for any guitar style. One of the biggest developments in Digital Performer 8 was the addition of a new suite of plug-ins targeting guitar and bass players. DP9 took this even further, adding synth guitar-type capabilities...
So you’ve got amazing chops and a fancy guitar. But you’ll only ever sound as good as the amplifier you’re using. RABEA MASSAAD, guitarist for the UK metal bands Toska and Dorje, shares his five all-time favorite amps with LOUDER. ...
Been using NEXUS for a while now, and it's a great synth. I actually love the Orchestral sounds I get from it, and I like the Bass/Analog Expansion packs. Share Reply Quote 2nd March 2009 | Show parent #18 timbreman Lives for gear Joined: Feb 2008 Posts: 1,426 🎧 15 year...
ELECTRIC GUITAR OR ELECTRIC BASS USING JAPANESE LACQUER FOR PAINT OF BODYPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an electric guitar or an electric bass in which an acoustic characteristic is improved with better appearance.FURUYA HIDEJI古谷 秀治
Harmonics are sounds that you can make on a guitar that have a unique bell or chime like sound. You can use harmonics to tune your bass guitar. Harmonics occur in many places on guitar strings. The loudest and the easiest to play are the ones above the 5, 7, and 12th Frets. First ...
Tuning your bass guitar with a Piano or Keyboard is a simple task. It is pretty easy and good for beginners because your only playing open strings on the guitar, so you can have a free hand to turn the pegs while the piano and the guitar are resonating. It's also better because you...