If you have a lot of money set aside in your 401k, should you be using retirement to pay off debt? As you are looking at your high-interest credit cards and loans, it might be tempting to liquidate assets for debt repayment purposes. But make sure you talk to a financial expert before...
I wish this idea had come to me through my own genius brain power, but alas it didn’t. A client told me about it. Her son Martin was laid off last year. He was desperate to get out of debt and make money. He was a construction worker, and you can imagine how easy it is to...
A Roth IRA can be a great way to do that for the simple reason that it gives you some flexibility. You can save money now, and later on you can either decide to use the money for college or to keep the money in the Roth IRA for your retirement and pay for college another way. A...
Before people quit their day jobs and cash in their 401K to start a business, it all begins with an idea. Often that idea keeps you up at night, looping through your brain and eliciting the same question on repeat:“What if?” Before taking out an outsized loan to fund a business or...
One thing more to consider As you consider a conversion, you need to keep in mind that the overall income tax on your return will be increasing. In general this just means you’ll have to pay more tax. More income equals more tax, simple as that, right?
#2. Pay off all of your debt (not including your home). #3. Save 3 months or more of living expenses. #4. Pay off your home. #5. Begin saving 15% of your income. Read More Featured ContentFeatured Videos Think you can’t retire early? Think again, you just need to want it. ...