USGS Long-term daily streamflow data at several LEF locationsDouglasSchaefer
Water Resources of the United States—Annual Water Data Reports Annual Water Data Report. WATER DATA FOR THE NATION. National Water Information System. View current and historical streamflow, groundwater level, and water-quality data. For more data options, ...
sbtools::item_file_download(sb_id = "65381be6d34ee4b6e05bba62", dest_dir = "R_src/in/sciencebase/", overwrite_file = FALSE) Other data releases included to produce the figures are: Sando, R.R., and Schultz, A.R., 2022, Reach-scale predicted annual streamflow permanence probabilities...
For example, the url for the download of versions2.0.3is: AGitLab Releasesentry is created for importantgit tags that require additional meta-data. Generally, it is best to either download the most currentPreliminary Release...
Maps and the USGS website provide food for thought. The endpoint of the discussion is the concept of regional models for streamflow frequency, the means by which gage information is made more generally useful.LUTZ, TimGeological Society of America...
(2015). Preliminary peak stage and streamflow data at selected USGS streamgaging stations for the South Carolina flood of October 2015 (ver. 1.1, November 2015, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1201) Reston, VA: USGS. 19 p.
Calculates a suite of ecological flow statistics and fundamental properties of daily streamflow for a given set of data. Installation To install the latest release of EflowStats see releases to find the latest version and use: remotes::install_github("doi-usgs/EflowStats@v5.2.0") Documentation ...
code suggests, you will have to have the appropriate permissions, which we grant to internal users and close collaborators. This includes access to the AWS S3 bucket with historic daily streamflow output from thenational-flow-observationspipeline and a Google Drive folder for intermediate data ...
code suggests, you will have to have the appropriate permissions, which we grant to internal users and close collaborators. This includes access to the AWS S3 bucket with historic daily streamflow output from thenational-flow-observationspipeline and a Google Drive folder for intermediate data ...
code suggests, you will have to have the appropriate permissions, which we grant to internal users and close collaborators. This includes access to the AWS S3 bucket with historic daily streamflow output from thenational-flow-observationspipeline and a Google Drive folder for intermediate data ...