Historic USGS Maps of New England & New York provides two series of maps: the USGS 7.5 Minute Series and the USGS 15 Minute Series. Each quadrangle provides latitude and longitude coordinates. Under each state, one can view the quad index, town index or imagemap. The quad index shows an ...
Some of you may find this news of interest…the USGS historical topographic quadrangles are being made available in the Map Locator application at the USGS Store website (http://store.usgs.gov/), for viewing/downloading in GeoPDF format (a print-on-demand can also be ordered). They will ...
string quadName,processInfo; double seGeoCornerX,seGeoCornerY; long processCode; string sectionIndicator, mapCenterCode; long levelCode,elevPattern,groundRefSysCode,groundRefSysZone,groundRefSysUnits; long elevUnits, numPolySides; DEMPointVector demCorners; double counterclockAngle; long elevAccuracyCode...
usgs publications repository,epgtemplate/,acidrain/,amerind/,annrev/,article/,atlas/,bat/,bsr/,bul/,cdprods/,circ/,cmap/,customer/,dds/,dem/,dlg/,drg/,eib/,errata sheet/,fin/,gap/,gip/,historic quad/,imap/,info/,itr/,journal/,map/,mbs/,mcs/,mf maps/,mii/ ...
USGS topo quad index; orange dots for 1:24K, purple for 1:100K, cyan for 1:250K. Clicking on a dot brings up a pop-up balloon with the name of a quad, and a direct link to the GeoPDF for that quad at the USGS store. Note that GeoPDF quads are not currently available ...
Selected USGS topographic map symbols. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey. USTopo Established in 2009, the USGS callsUSTopostheir next-generation version of USGS topo maps, and the maps use seamless digital data, while adhering to the quad format. USTopos show contours, roads, built areas, water...
string quadName,processInfo; double seGeoCornerX,seGeoCornerY; long processCode; string sectionIndicator, mapCenterCode; long levelCode,elevPattern,groundRefSysCode,groundRefSysZone,groundRefSysUnits; long elevUnits, numPolySides; DEMPointVector demCorners; ...
Topographic Map Index 1:24,000 - USGSdoi:Server=earth; Service=esri_sde; Database=sde; User=gislib; VersiThis dataset is the Quarter Quad Index 1:24,000 scale for the 7.5 min statewide quadrangle grid, 1983 boundaries.Florida Marine Research Institute (data source)...
string quadName,processInfo; double seGeoCornerX,seGeoCornerY; long processCode; string sectionIndicator, mapCenterCode; long levelCode,elevPattern,groundRefSysCode,groundRefSysZone,groundRefSysUnits; long elevUnits, numPolySides; DEMPointVector demCorners; ...