202312–16AppendixB—DefinitionsofSelectedTermsUsedin Table4—The2022U.S.CriticalMineralsList17ThisReport206 Table4—The2022U.S.CriticalMineralsList…17ThisReport………206 U.S.CriticalMineralsUpdate………18 U.S.CriticalMineralsUpdate18AppendixC—ReservesandResources207 Table5—SalientCriticalMineralsStatistic...
Many of the minerals on the list of critical minerals are byproducts of mining other minerals like copper, gold and zinc. Modern technologies such as solar panels, electric-vehicle motors, and batteries often rely on these minerals.Anonymous...
of Nonfuel Mineral Production in the Unit 14、ed States in 2022.10 Figures 48Value of Nonfuel Minerals Produced in 2022.1216 Table 4The 2022 U.S.List of Critical Minerals.17 U.S.Critical Minerals Update.18 Table 5Salient Critical Minerals Statistics in 2022.21 Figure 920-Year Trend of U.S....
The United States' supply of critical minerals has been a concern and a source of potential strategic vulnerabilities for U.S. economic and national security interests for decades (for example, see Strategic and Critical Minerals Stockpiling Act, 1939). More recently, with the rapid increase in ...
"Despite clear data showing that copper's supply risk score is now above the threshold for automatic inclusion on the 2022 Critical Minerals List, USGS sent well-crafted letters to a bipartisan group of congressmen and senators filled with misleading arguments that were not part of its own ...