The U.S. Geological Survey has published three new magnetic data maps and a map of the Mount St. Helens area that was devastated by the May 18 eruption.One of the magnetic data maps shows lines of equal magnetic declination for the 50 states and the locations of the more than 100 ...
After acquiring the necessary data and maps, the team lined the previous maps with the current data sets. While doing so,the scientists preserved the valuable notes and also provided detailed descriptions of the features of the surface. This was done to avoid confusion caused by the previous ge...
Geological Survey Maps, Imagery, and Publications. Learn more about the future of our science. Climate and Land Use Change. Science Quality and Integrity. Are the bedrock of our science. Did You Feel It? WaterWatch - Current Streamflow Conditions. USGS Oil Spill Response. Nearly Half of ...
Get a comprehensive view of the United States with our detailed USGS topographic maps. Plan your next expedition with ease.
The USGS 7.5-minute Quad Maps Perhaps the most common topographical maps available in the United States are the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5 “quad” maps. These maps depict a quadrangle of the earth’s surface encompassing 7.5 minutes of longitude and 7.5 minutes of latitude. Sin...
Classic 7.5 minute USGS topographic map for Manitou Springs, Colorado, 1961. Credit: U.S. Geological Survey. We recently covered thebasics of topographic maps, including how to read contour lines, and how to use the maps to plan your next outing. In this post, we’ll go into more detail...
The United States Geological Survey warned that nearly 75% of the U.S. could face potentially damaging earthquakes and intense ground shaking in the next 100 years. The agency shared new maps Wednesday, showing the areas that are most at risk. A team of more than 50 scientists and engineers...
aStates Geological Survey (USGS) terrain and classification data. Our surface textures are generated using perceptual metrics and artistic considerations, and 状态地质勘测 (USGS) 地形和分类数据。 我们的表面纹理使用感知度规和艺术性的考虑引起,和[translate]...
Download USGS topographic maps of Maui and view them on your desktop computer. These are 7.5 minute series topos at a scale of 1:24,000. They were produced by USGS in 2017.
Statelocationmapsareatvariousscales;projectionisAlbersEqual-Area, basedonparallels291/2°and451/2°. MapsaremodifiedfromtheUnitedStatesBaseMap(U.S.GeologicalSurvey, 1965,scale1:3,168,000)andtheDigitalShaded-ReliefImageofAlaska(J.R. Riehleandothers,1997,U.S.GeologicalSurveyMiscellaneousInvestigations ...