Earthquake of Magnitude 6.1 Strikes Alaska - USGS More (Removes reference to Anchorage as Alaska's capital) (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck the U.S. state of Alaska, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards. Reviews, coupons, analysis, whois, global ranking and traffic for Learn more about Is ea
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, and researching earthquakes and earthquake hazards. Reviews, coupons, analysis, whois, global ranking and traffic for Learn more about Is ea
eventConfig;, options); @@ -27,14 +27,20 @@ AdminSummaryPage.prototype._setContentMarkup = function () { content.innerHTML = '' + 'Invalidate Cache' + 'View Event Page' + '' + '' + ''; button = content.querySelector('.invalidate'); button._clickH...
古巴电网再次因飓风以及紧跟而来的地震大规模瘫痪。上周三,古巴再次遭遇飓风袭击,电网瘫痪了 24 小时。视频显示,电线杆倒在路上,电力基础设施一团糟。周四政府动员了数百名电力技术人员去恢复电力。到周四下午,两座电厂部分恢复发电,东部和中部部分地区恢复供电。在有 200 万人口的首都哈瓦那,到周五下午不到五分之一的...
{ "mag": 0.8, "place": "9km WNW of Cobb, CA", "time": 1596244682970, "updated": 1596245043536, "tz": null, "url": "", "detail": "", "...
It is responsible for playing the tone when an earthquake is detected. But playing just one pitch isn’t much fun. Instead, [Roteno] built the circuit above which creates a resistor network switched by a series of transistors. This way he can use GPIO from the microcontroller to choose ...
“History has continually shown us that it is impossible to determine exactly when or where the next wildfire, flood or earthquake will strike, which is why preparedness, response and post-loss assessment are paramount,” CoreLogic said.
古巴电网再次因飓风以及紧跟而来的地震大规模瘫痪。上周三,古巴再次遭遇飓风袭击,电网瘫痪了 24 小时。视频显示,电线杆倒在路上,电力基础设施一团糟。周四政府动员了数百名电力技术人员去恢复电力。到周四下午,两座电厂部分恢复发电,东部和中部部分地区恢复供电。在有 200 万人口的首都哈瓦那,到周五下午不到五分之一的...
USGS Slab 1.0* subduction zone model grids (NetCDF4/HDF5 COARDS format). These models are described in detail on this page: The moment tensor database can be overridden by using thestrec_initcommand line tool (distributed with this repository)...