Dieser Datensatz enthält die atmosphärisch korrigierte Oberflächenreflexion und die Bodenoberflächentemperatur, die aus den vom Landsat TM-Sensor erfassten Daten abgeleitet wurden. Diese Bilder enthalten vier Bänder im sichtbaren und nahen Infrarot (VNIR) und zwei Bänder im kurzwe...
示例代码:https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:/global-events -layers/USGS-EARTHQUAKES-1923-2023 执照¶ 这些数据集是公共领域数据,没有使用限制,但如果创建了产品的修改或衍生产品,请在数据集中添加一些描述性修饰符以避免混淆 提供者:美国地质调查局 GE...
640 - 797, fine, add extra postage on these, $ 950 End of the USGS Monograph Catalog! Click any link to continue... USGS Publications Home Page Catalogs on this Website Mineralogy Books Select Mineral Books Mining History Geology Books ...
Catalog catalog string Limit to events from a specified catalog. Contributor contributor string Limit to events contributed by a specified contributor. Event ID eventid string Select a specific event by ID; event identifiers are data center specific. Include All Magnitudes includeallmagnitudes bo...
STAC Catalog Description New scene notifications, Level-1 and Level-2 Scenes Resource type SNS Topic Amazon Resource Name (ARN) arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:673253540267:public-c2-notify-v2 AWS Region us-west-2 Description New scene notifications, Level 3 Science Products ...
50 USGS earthquake moment tensor catalogThe US Geological Survey's National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) has been computing moment tensor solutions for all moderate-to-large sized earthquakes. Station coverage is mainly responsible for the ability to move the magnitude thresholds lower with time...
Catalog catalog string Limit to events from a specified catalog. Contributor contributor string Limit to events contributed by a specified contributor. Event ID eventid string Select a specific event by ID; event identifiers are data center specific. Include All Magnitudes includeallmagnitudes bo...
常用的工具: Add Data添加数据 Add Data是ArcGIS的精华之一,一个工具加载众多的数据,除了需要ArcToolbox转换的数据,Add Data基本上涵盖了所有的常见矢量、栅格、属性数据...ArcGIS Add Data包打天下 Catalog Catalog在ArcGIS中的作用类似于windows资源管理器,是数据管理的大管家。...矢量数据可以导出为SHP或者GDB要素...
Spatio Temporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Tutorial The STAC tutorial serves as a basic introduction to STAC objects, specifications, and structure through examples of querying USGS Collection 2 Landsat data using the Landsat STAC API. STAC family of specifications standardizes the way geospatial metadata is...
示例代码:https://code.earthengine.google.com/?scriptPath=users/sat-io/awesome-gee-catalog-examples:/global-events -layers/USGS-EARTHQUAKES-1923-2023 执照¶ 这些数据集是公共领域数据,没有使用限制,但如果创建了产品的修改或衍生产品,请在数据集中添加一些描述性修饰符以避免混淆 ...