Landsat Level-1 data products consist of calibrated scaled Digital Numbers (DN) representing the multispectral image data. Level-1 data are categorized into a tier based structure. The highest tiered level-1 data are radiometrically calibrated and geometrically corrected using ground control points (GCP...
whereas imports for consumption data reports crude barite processed in free trade zones as ground.Imports for consumption may not be immediately reported depending on processing time.3Includes data for the following Schedule B numbers2511.10.1000 and 2833.27.0000.4Defined as mine productionsold or used...
In theResultstab, you select the specific imagery you want to download. But it’s good to check the footprint for exactly where that scene is located. You can also preview the data, which can be good to see exactly where clouds are in the image. Download the data by clicking the “Do...
Approximately 84 Tcf of undiscov-ered, technically recoverable natural gasand 3.4 billion bbl of undiscovered, tech-nically recoverable natural gas liquids(NGL) are contained in the MarcellusShale, according to a new assessment bythe U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).It was the first USGS estimate ...
then you can obtain the code it is based off of by finding in thedevelopbranch a commit namedv2.X.Y-bZ, whereX,Y, andZpertain to the beta version's minor, patch and beta numbers. For example, the commitv2.3.1-b3would contain the code that was compiled to make the beta version 2....
These numbers look quite similar overall. It's possible that the first transition from Total to Pie view is now taking a little longer than before, but 2 data points from the previous comment have longer scripts times than 2 points from this comment, so the effect is not certain. Subsequent...
One tool combines multiple datasets into a single worksheet and formats the resulting data for use by the other tools. A second tool produces summary information about the dataset, such as a list of unique site identification numbers, the number of water-level observations for each, and a ...
Add band numbers initial work 3d3448e Added the ability to save the band number to the stretch blob and als… … e492211 Merge 3e1a4ea Moves primary save/load/delete to StretchTool from AdvancedStretchToo… … 9f93c4f Get RGB stretches working, first draft f7bac57 Add CubeStretc...
Overall this is a very nice package. I want to emphasize this as, by nature, the following comments are more critique then complimentary. The package functions well, is stable and installed without problems. I did not get to test any of the Unity functionality since I don't have it. Othe...
The Major, Minor and Bug numbers are in order of importance. The final (Bug) number is incremented whenever one or more bug fixes are included in a version. Neither users nor developers should see any changes in the way ISIS programs are called or how theAPIoperates as the final (Bug) ...