选择Muma 会计专业,你离大热行业就能更近一步~ 除了Muma 的会计专业之外,USF还专门开办了一个会计学院, Lynn Pippenger School of Accoungting ,给你提供最棒的专业学习体验! 在50 Best Accounting Degree for 2018 中,USF会计专业更是排名在第47 位! 高速职业增长、高薪、7类会计相关资格证、全美TOP 50~会计...
USF is a top school for medical-related studies.(The Princeton Review "students say")The most popular majors at University of South Florida include: Psychology, General, Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse, Biomedical Sciences, General, Criminology and Public Health, General.(US News)☸ 熱門申請...
LYNN PIPPENGER SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY Scholarships/excellence grants will be announced in upper-level accounting classes and applications may be obtained in March from the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy, BSN 3305. Only accounting majors who have successfully...
Master of Science in CFA® Institute welcomes the MSFA at USF as an app oved CFA® P o ram Partne , joinin Oxfo d Unive sit , London Business School, and Hon Kon Unive sit of Science & Technology. “The MSFA program was instrumen- ...