在Vue 3中,watch 功能用于观察和响应 Vue 实例上数据的变化。而 vueuse 是一个基于 Vue 3 的组合式 API 的实用工具库,它提供了许多方便的功能,包括防抖(debounce)函数。防抖是一种编程技巧,用于限制某个函数的执行频率,只有在最后一次调用后的一段时间内没有新的调用时,才会执行该函数。 下面我将分点回答你...
If you’re new to Vue 3, or you’re coming from a strong Vue 2 background, there’s a good chance that the split API now for watch and watchEffect may seem redundant, or even confusing.Today we are going to unwrap the core differences between the two so that you can use the best...
The useWatchStorage hook provides a convenient way to synchronize Vue reactive state with browser storage (either localStorage or sessionStorage). This enables data persistence across sessions and tabs while automatically updating the stored value when c
test(useCloned): add getter failed test 7da3f4f fix(useCloned): check for getter to watch 29d917c View details antfu merged commit 6d63027 into vueuse:main Jun 7, 2023 1 check passed ydcjeff deleted the fix/use-cloned-getter branch June 8, 2023 02:41 Sign up for free to...
I doubt Vue 2.7 will receive any updates to fix this issue. However, this bug could cause serious problems, as network requests are still being sent even when a user leaves the page and the component is unmounted. Contributor Author zyyv commented Aug 3, 2024 I'm not sure about the ...
Node Version:v16.14.0 Nuxt Version:3.0.0-rc.2 Package Manager:pnpm@6.23.6 Builder:vite User Config:modules,experimental,unocss,colorMode Runtime Modules:@vueuse/nuxt@8.3.1,@unocss/nuxt@0.32.9,@pinia/nuxt@0.1.8,@nuxtjs/color-mode@3.0.2 ...
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<<<=== // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.js // @require https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js // @match *.91porn.com/* // @match *://*/view_video.php* // @match *://*/index.php* // @match *://*/search_result.php* // @home-url ...
That's right, I'm using axios to get the values to populate the options. But I'm not sure to understand what you suggest me. How is it possible to tell vuejs to select dynamically the values only when the options are populated ?
I am trying to use the until function but I am getting this error: [Vue warn]: Invalid watch source: null A watch source can only be a getter/effect function, a ref, a reactive object, or an array of these types. I am also using the Ref ...