Hey working on a project where i will have to reset fields to its inital value when the form is submitted but when i submit the form the fields does reset but after some time it return to the state where the fields were field so it automatically popu
如何获取数据并在useEffect()中使用它? 、 我试图从API获取数据并用数据设置状态,但是当我使用子组件中的数据时,我得到了一个[Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: null is not an object这是我想要做的一个要点。有人知道为什么会发生这种情况吗?我认为这是因为数据不是从API接收的。我尝试添加一个"i...
Currently with useState that is not possible. In this scenario useEffect won't quite work. I don't want to make the API call on the initial render and I might not necessary want to make the call every time the name state changes, I just want to make this call in a very specific ins...
If you’re working with React, React Router makes consuming state in the URL, particularly in the form of a query string or search parameters, straightforward. It achieves this with the useSearchParams Hook:import { useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom"; const [searchParams, setSearch...
If you see more console.log logs than expected, you may want to try putting console.log in useEffect. If that shows logs as expected, it's an expected behavior. For more information: dai-shi/use-context-selector#100 #177 API docs/api Recipes docs/recipes Caveats docs/caveats Related ...
On the first update everything is working fine but when an update is made on the order in the database, my order list is updated but not triggering a re-render even using <...> const [orders, setOrders] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { const unsubscribe = firebase.firestore()....
But, it was working until I added a feature (unrelated to setting a state, but doing so in the sandbox was the quickest way to demonstrate) to my project a couple of days ago. I'll take the TL out of a state and go from there. Thanks for the help. 1 1 year later... ...