This is easy to understand, we’ve already seen how setState() schedules re-render in next tick, it is not sync and theupdated value can only be got from next rendersince thestate update is done in useState() not in setState(). Key Concept is thatsetState is an async call. https:...
复制代码在 requestWork 中有三个if分支,三个分支中有两个方法 performWorkOnRoot 和 performSyncWork ,就是我们默认的update函数,但是在合成事件中,走的是第二个if分支,第二个分支中有两个标识 isBatchingUpdates 和 isUnbatchingUpdates 两个初始值都为 false ,但是在 interactiveUpdates$1 中会把 isBatchingUpda...
Async orchestration (Fetch data with limited retry) - CodeSandbox - Source Sending data with events (Form) - CodeSandbox - Source Installation npm install @tai-kun/use-state-machine Sample Usage const [state, send] = useStateMachine({ initial: "inactive", states: { inactive: { on: { TOGGLE...
npm install use-state-persist#oryarn add use-state-persist ForReact Nativemake sure you do the following on app start up: import{syncStorage}from'use-state-persist';// Initialize async storageawaitsyncStorage.init(); How to persists useState ...
@Jessidhia Thanks for the input, can you create a sandbox with your async example and my hook showing the bug? Edit OK i think i understand what you mean, just tried to register via addEventListener to force sync update and i see the issue. I managed to bypass this limitation by trackin...
In this case you need to use a "container" that you can write the updated state value to, and read it later on in the timeout. This is one use case foruseRef. You can sync the state value with the ref'scurrentproperty and readcurrentin the timeout instead. ...