importReact,{useRef}from'react'importuseSizefrom'./hooks/useSize'functionApp(){constref=useRef(null);const{width,height}=useSize(ref)return(123213123{width}{height});}exportdefaultApp; image.png image.png 最后编辑于:2021.11.22 18:54:34 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 3人点赞...
the hook doesn't support SSR; ResizeObserverpolyfill doesn't used. Installation Use the package managerpnpmto install@tabula/use-size. pnpm add @tabula/use-size You can usenpmoryarntoo. Usage The default usage is looks like: import{useSize}from'@tabula/use-size';constWatcher:FC=()=>{const...
Hookimport { useState } from 'react' import { useDebounceCallback, useEventListener, useIsomorphicLayoutEffect, } from 'usehooks-ts' type WindowSize<T extends number | undefined = number | undefined> = { width: T height: T } type UseWindowSizeOptions<InitializeWithValue extends boolean | ...
react-hook react-window-size-hook react-use-window-size use-window-size use-window-size-hook hook-window-size immois •1.1.0•6 months ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.1.0,6 months ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 58
const hook = renderHook(() => useSize(document.body)); expect(hook.result.current).toEqual({ height: 0, width: 0 }); }); it('should work when target is a `MutableRefObject`', async () => { it("should work when target is a `MutableRefObject`", async () => { const mockRaf...
Added useWindowSize Hook Browse files Loading branch information Mortharion-tech committed Jan 19, 2025 1 parent 72fb2fe commit 5c9c81f Showing 3 changed files with 37 additions and 1 deletion. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified ...
解决办法 在注册表中增加项 win + r 输入regedit打开注册表 打开到目录计算机\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TEC\Ocular.3\agent\config 下 在hookapi_filterproc_external,新增数值数据:cmd.exe;powershell.exe;git.exe;*.exe;如果没有hookapi_filterproc_external 就新建 [字符串值]...
reactjs React useWindowSize挂钩在没有CRA的项目中不再起作用对于任何面临类似问题的人,您都需要useState...
Standard Hook and Loop: Hook and loop as common garment accessories ,is divided into hook and loop both sides,There are three quality grade according to customer request,100% nylon H&L ,70%nylon and 30% polyester H&L and 100% poly...
useWindowSizeFn是一个React Hook,用于获取窗口大小的实时变化。它可以帮助我们在组件中实时获取窗口的宽度和高度,从而根据窗口大小调整组件的布局和样式。 首先,在开始使用useWindowSizeFn之前,我们需要确保我们的项目中已经安装了React和React DOM。可以使用以下命令来创建一个新的React项目: npx create-react-appmy-ap...