repellents graphite is one of the main ingredients in lubricants like grease, etc. this mineral reacts with atmospheric water vapour and creates a thin film or layer over the surface applied and thus reduces friction. graphite is also used in car brakes and clutches. the powdered form of ...
aggregate which is used in selected areas to prevent accidents. 4. other uses bauxite has limited uses but the wide application in paper making, water purifying, and petroleum refining. additionally, bauxite is also used in some other sectors like rubber, plastic, paint and cosmetics. these are...
Water Condition Already Met" End If If gor > gor_const + gor_tol Then Do While gor > gor_const + gor_tol choke_val = choke_val * (1 - 0.05) Worksheets("Edit").Range("A28").Value = choke_val Worksheets("Computation").Range("J23").Value = choke_val If Worksheets("Computation"...
In preparing for the celebration of the Songkran Festival, the locals are making water balls. Two sizes are available: large and small. The radius length of the smaller water ball is 2.5 inches, while the larger one is twice the radius length of the smaller water ball. Compute the surface ...
chemistry related links what are covalent bond what is lead chemical bonding dalton's law of partial pressure carbonyl group properties of water glycerol formula le chatelier's principle modes of heat transfer what are chemical reactions comments leave a comment cancel reply your mobile number and ...
oxidised to manganese when heated. certain facts about manganese manganese is more reactive when available in pure form, and as a powder, it will burn in oxygen reacts with water and dissolves in dilute acids. frequently asked questions what is the charge of manganese ion? the most common oxi...
which means that it is completely inert. properties of argon it is odourless, colourless gas that is totally inert into other substance. under extreme conditions, argon can form certain compounds even though it is a gas. it is characterized by same solubility level in water as that of oxygen...
, water, alkalis, and acids are the most common. it forms borides when it reacts with metals. certain facts about boron boron is present over a hundred minerals on earth. but it is extremely difficult to produce, even in laboratory conditions. boromycin is a boron-based natural antibiotic...
Uses of Sulfur - Sulphur is a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16. Know the Uses of Sulphur, Chemical Properties of Sulphur, Atomic Mass, Melting Point and more at BYJU'S
further used for making a jumper, woollen clothes, etc. uses of wool people have been using wool for thousands of years for both functional and decorative purposes. this fibre has a number of advantages, including flexibility, durability, and water resistance. products made from wool are: ...