A rainy day occurs once in every 10 days. Half of the rainy days produce rainbows. What per cent of all the days do not produce rainbow? View Solution A one kilowatt motor is used to pump water from a well 10 m deep. The quantity of water pumped out per second is nearly ...
The use of alum powder dates back hundreds of years in history. You can easily see it in old remedies. In Hindi, alum refers to “fitkari,” a kind of salt that occurs naturally andprovides several advantagesto those who consume it. In Ayurveda, they refer to it as “shubhra.” Today...
Stomatitis is known as inflammation in the mouth of the mucous membrane. Mukh-Pak is the name of the disease in Hindi. Chewing 5-6 fresh leaves of this herbal plant are helpful. In this condition, juice of the plant is given. Fresh juice is extracted and heated in the earthen vessel ...
compact cluster 1/3 to ½ inch long. Each nutlet is about 1/8 inch long with a stubby beak. Fruits are enclosed by spongy bractlets that act as flotation devices in water. This aid in their dispersal to other wet habitats. The fruits ripen in July. ...
Rub it with the help of water. Wash with normal water. Herbal Treatment For Skin Tan 2 Chickpea Flour ( Besan ) is a good remedy for tanning. If we add little Turmeric ( Haldi ) in 2 tablespoons of Chickpea Flour ( Besan ), it becomes an excellent mixture for the Skin. Make ...
1.1. Basic Features of Hydrogels Hydrogels are hydrophilic three-dimensional (3D) polymer networks that form viscoelastic soft materials. They can swell and shrink reversibly, by absorbing or releasing very large amounts of water [1]. This viscoelastic behavior is caused by the hydration of the po...
(Euphorbiaceae) is a spine-laden annual or perennial herb that is commonly referred to as “sehund” or “thohar” in Hindi and Milk Hedge in English [21,22,23]. It is found in the hilly regions of India, Bangladesh, Baluchistan, Burma, and the Malaysian Islands. This plant produces ...
These models have been designed to handle a variety of natural language processing tasks across multiple languages including English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Thai, French, Italian, and Hindi. The LLaMA 3.1 models support a vastly increased context length of 128,000 tokens, which enhances their...
Another way to add hing to a dish is a pinch can also be added to a little water and then that water is added to the curry. Apart from being used as a spice in cooking, it has many medicinal properties. Medicinal uses of asafoetida asafetida: ...
It does not dissolve in water or hydrochloric acid or react with it but dissolves in nitric acid. There's no biological function for Tellurium. Some fungi, however, use it as a sulfur replacement. Tellurium is discovered by Franz muller Von Reichenstein. Physical Properties of Tellurium ...