Tales of Berseria’s Denuvo support puts off players Players suggest thatDenuvocould potentially cause problems such as hardware damage or game lag due to the time required to ask permission from Denuvo’s servers. Other players worry that if Denuvo shuts down its servers, they won’t be able ...
john2|1578d ago|News|13| ▼ DSOGaming writes: "Electronic Arts has just released Star Wars: Squadrons on the PC and we can confirm that the game uses the Denuvo anti-tamper tech." PCStar Wars: Squadronsdsogaming.com Read Full Story >> ...
A prominent video game cracker within the scene has managed to crack the Resident Evil 4 remake, and has reportedly found that besides Denuvo V18, the title also uses Denuvo SecureDLC V2, an in-house Anti-Tamper solution, and VMProtect. Said cracker’s release does not remove these programs...