参考答案: A C 复制 纠错举一反三 银团贷款筹组阶段,参加行社有条件审批的,牵头行社要与借款人重新谈判落实审批意见,可采取差异化利率模式进行组团。() A. 正确 B. 错误 查看完整题目与答案 在银团贷款筹组阶段的牵头行社有效委托期间,其他未获委托的行社可以与借款人就同一项目进行委托或开展融资谈判...
night, i don’t feel tired at all. 10. in addition to your sat exam preparations, you should also prepare for the interview. now, check if you have identified the clauses correctly from the answers given below. 1. naomi’s mother was out of town, so she took care of everyone at ...
Sometimes, an adjective isn’t enough to describe a noun. You might want to combine an adjective with a past participle. Doing so requires using a hyphen. These words combine the past participle form of a verb with other parts of speech to create more complex descriptions. Let’s exemplify:...
Read more about hyphenating prefixes. Summary of Hyphens using hyphens Parentheses (Round Brackets) Parentheses ( ) / Round brackets ( ) are used: (1) to insert extra information Set in the 17th century, The Three Musketeers("Les Trois Mousquetaires" in French)is a novel by Alexandre Dumas....
Though not common, apartment buildings sometimes have hyphens (i.e. 56-998). Removing the hyphen entirely changes the mailing address. Issues with the data Incomplete address components: Sometimes, address inputs are missing some information, such as a predirectional (e.g. N., S., etc.), ...
“Little to no” is an expression meaning something has a minimal amount of something. Do not use a hyphen between the words since the phrase is a determiner and not a compound adjective. The phrase makes make your writing more descriptive. But you can switch it with “hardly any” or “...
A. 某村有很多家作坊式的小鞋厂,外地客商进货时,每家都会派人前来竞价,结果利润越来越薄。后来在村委会协调下组建了股份制鞋厂,各个小鞋厂变成了分别负责一道工艺的车间,产品由营销部统一对外销售 B. 眼看着自己越来越胖,平时走路都有点气喘,小夏干脆扔掉减肥药,每天下班后按照预定计划健身锻炼。半年后,他的...