"Common Programs"="D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs""Common Administrative Tools"="D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Administrative Tools""Common Startup"="D:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Startup""OEM Links"="D:\\...
例如要把C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer文件夹转移到其他盘,则把下列命令编辑输入新建的bat文件,命名mklink.bat: robocopy "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer" "D:\Program Files\Internet Explorer" /e /copyall /xj rmdir "c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer" /s /q mklink /j "C:\Program Files\...
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] "ProgramFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files" "CommonFilesDir"="D:\\Program Files\\Common Files" 第三 ,重启 步户户 户户 注意不是注 ,因 Program Files 户户 户户 户户户户 户户 户户户户户 户户 里有很多文件是被系 服 使用的,注 ...
通过将 ALLUSERS 属性的值设置为空字符串 (""),即 ALLUSERS=“”,可以确保没有设置该属性。 确定DesktopFolder、ProgramMenuFolder、StartMenuFolder、StartupFolder、TemplateFolder、AdminToolsFolder、、ProgramFiles64Folder和CommonFiles64Folder属性的值。 安装上下文确定Registry 表和RemoveRegistry 表中的条目已写入或...
确定DesktopFolder、ProgramMenuFolder、StartMenuFolder、StartupFolder、TemplateFolder、AdminToolsFolder、、ProgramFiles64Folder和CommonFiles64Folder属性的值。 安装上下文确定Registry 表和RemoveRegistry 表中的条目已写入或删除的注册表部分(Root 列中有 -1)。
C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\Service Activator\modules\bin\launcher.bat Resulting Context Menus As indicated inTable 4-2, the menus resulting from this example file are context-specific to the object that is right-clicked. The screen illustration in"Context Menu Extension Plugin"shows the...
That way, the very first program you ran would immediately show up on the Start menu.These six slots underwent some twiddling in Windows XP Service Pack 1. Two of the slots were chosen by Windows, one by the United States Department of Justice, and the last three by the computer ...
How to get the output of a java program run through Powershell on remote machines How to get the status of the iis sites and app-pools using wmi and powershell How to get the user's State from a list of users How to Get the Valid DataTable Row Count Following a SQL Query? How to...
ClickGearicon, selectSafety, de-selectActiveX Filtering. Alternatively, press Alt key and click Tools menu (ActiveX filtering is enabled if a “tick” appears next to it and is disabled if the “tick” disappears). Or Disabling ActiveX filtering for an individual site when ActiveX filtering is...