计算机(广义,包括电脑和手机等)文件夹名中含有空格会导致很多稀奇古怪的问题,所以把“Camera Roll”...
in focusclear,sharp,distinct,crisp,sharp-edged,sharply definedPictures should be in focus. out of focusblurred,obscure,unclear,fuzzy,hazy,muzzy,ill-defined,indistinctSome of the pictures are out of focus. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © ...
and there’s also the fact you could get hacked or end up losing this saved content by other means (or you know… accidentally sending it to the wrong person or making a photo roll accessible to people it really shouldn’t be seen by). And ...
and I don't usually, I either stand the cap upright on the table out of the way or hold it in my non-writing hand. I have a sloping desk at home, and things do tend to roll a little if I don't place them down gently and carefully. ...
What my choice would be is strictly a camera roll, with no folders, faces, memories, anything. Just a single directory of the pictures I've taken, in the order I took them. Sadly, that's not an option. Reactions: Tim Apple’s Glasses, gusmula, klasma and 4 others Quar...
picturesanddesignsshouldberegistered,andtobetheonlylegitimateusers,toavoidasfoodunnecessarydisputessecurityissues. 图片及外观设计停止,成为独一的合法运用者,防止呈现由于食品平安问题带来不用要的纠葛。 19 The processmightbeeasiertounderstandwithademonstration,soimaginethesekidsin thecircleareNapsterusers. ...
“I have found that when I try to take pictures with my iPhone 16 Pro Max, it won’t take pictures and the Camera app crashes,”mentionsone of the user complaints on the Apple forum. And it seems the fancy new audio mixing feature is also creating problems for early adopters....
pictures than any other camera, but also not knowing that they are holding a Panasonic and not a Leica. It’s great stuff. Then there are those that have the cheapest German made Leica they could get their hands on telling us how great the camera is because it’s not a Panasonic. ...
I lost access to camera roll until I rebooted the phone. It's now back but the My Photostream on phone is empty. I took a new snap on my iPad and it appeared on the iPhone. Might wait and see if it syncs later, but I don't hold out ...
You can certainly import local pictures from your tablet (which come from my camera via EyeFi), edit them and upload them to Creative Cloud for later use in Lightroom. Here's a screen cap showing the LR Mobil collection which has photo's synced from my tablet. Votes Upvote Tran...