search with USR* in SE11 should get you a list of all the User tables in SAP hope this helps, do reward if it helps, priya. Reply Former Member 2006 Jun 27 2:30 PM 4 Kudos 35,023 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Search the email address in ADR6. For this you will...
Daer Security experts, we are on ECC 6.0 (Netweaver 7.0 SP10 , SAP_ABA: SAPKA70010 and SAP_BASIS:SAPKB70010) with only stack ABAP. We want to implement a web service
search with USR* in SE11 should get you a list of all the User tables in SAP hope this helps, do reward if it helps, priya. Reply Former Member 2006 Jun 27 2:30 PM 4 Kudos 34,786 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Search the email address in ADR6. For this you will...
First, from this [doco|] it looks to me that only Java stack supports this option. I looked for corresponding code in ABAP and I found class CL_WS_SECURITY_PROFILE. This class has a method ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Varun, Try FM: BAPI_USER_GETLIST with Contains Pattern option. Import Parameters: MAX_ROWS = 10 WITH_USERNAME = 'X' Tables: Selection_Range Parameter = ADDRESS FIELD = FIRSTNAME SIGN = 'I' OPTION = 'CP' LOW = *search_string* Hope it helps!
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development The other way - utilize tables USR21 / ADRP / ADR6. Reply Former Member 2008 Jul 08 4:43 PM 0 Kudos 2,722 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Anup, Userids are stored in Infotype PA0105 ( table ) and field USRID. PERNR is the Empl...