bash sudo usermod -aG wheel username 这条命令会将用户 username 添加到 wheel 组中,而不会删除该用户已属于的其他组。 按照以上步骤操作后,你应该能够解决 usermod: group 'wheel' does not exist 的错误。如果问题仍然存在,请检查你的命令输入是否正确,以及你是否有足够的权限来执行这些操作。
If you need to add a user to any one of the supplementary group, you can use the options ‘-a‘ and ‘-G‘. For example, here we going to add a user accounttecmint_test0with thewheeluser. # usermod -a -G wheel tecmint_test0 # id tecmint_test0 So, usertecmint_test0remains in...
user news: directory /etc/news does not exist user uucp: directory /var/spool/uucp does not exist user gopher: directory /var/gopher does not exist user pcap: directory /var/arpwatch does not exist user sabayon: directory /home/sabayon does not exist user gaga: no group 510 user gaga: d...
需要能够在没有sudo的情况下执行'usermod‘,以便远程计算机上的脚本可以禁用并锁定实例主机上的userid。通过visudo将%wheel ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/usermod添加到主机上的/etc/sudoers:username@hostname:21:21:20 UTC - ~ $usermod--expiredate 1 --lock $uidusermod: Permission ...