在Excel VBA中,DrawingObjects和UserInterfaceOnly是两个不同的属性,它们之间没有冲突。 DrawingObjects:DrawingObjects属性用于控制工作表上的绘图对象(如图形、图表等)是否可见和可编辑。它有两个可能的取值: True:表示绘图对象可见和可编辑。 False:表示绘图对象不可见和不可编辑。
1、解除保护 2、写入数据 3、重新保护
Is there a some VBA-code so that you can protect the sheet in the menu and that the user can select both locked and unlocked cells without the prompt for the password? And the userinterfaceonly:=True in Workbook_open(). Who has the solution for this or knows how to fix th...
Is there a some VBA-code so that you can protect the sheet in the menu and that the user can select both locked and unlocked cells without the prompt for the password? And the userinterfaceonly:=True in Workbook_open(). Who has the solution for this or knows how to...
与.Protect UserInterfaceOnly:=True沿着使用AllowFormattingCells:=True。这允许条件格式修改受保护的单元格...
文章背景: 在工作中,有时候需要给工作表的的内容设置保护,避免数据被误修改,同时又希望可以通过宏...
宏运行 Public Sub Password_cracking() Const DBLSPACE As String = vbNewLine & vbNewLine Const ...
文章背景: 在工作中,有时候需要给工作表的的内容设置保护,避免数据被误修改,同时又希望可以通过宏...