userinfo is not defined 这个错误通常意味着在你的代码中尝试访问了一个未定义的变量 userinfo。为了解决这个问题,我们可以按照你提供的提示逐一排查: 确认userinfo的定义位置: 确保在你的代码中有一个地方定义了 userinfo。这个定义可能是一个变量赋值,或者是一个函数、模块的返回值。 python # 示例定义 userinfo =...
请教一下,为什么这样写后,运行的时候出现这样的错误呢? userInfo is not defined; [Component] Event Handler Error @ pages/index/index#bound bindGetUserInfo ReferenceError: userInfo is not defined回答关注问题邀请回答 收藏 分享 1 个回答 痛快科技 2019-06-20 提问者认为该回答有用 有用1 回复1 肩膀 20...
提问者 xxxxxzzzz #3 老师我userInfo 已经获取到了 然后本地里也存储了userinfo 但是他就是报userInfo is not defined;at api operateWXData success callback function ReferenceError: userInfo is not defined 这个错误 回复 2020-05-01 16:37:21 点开查看后面1条评论 相似问题userinfo 如何正确定义 1345 0...
It is OK to duplicate logic when needed. It is not a goal of Spring Security to eliminate all such duplication as this would be an untenable goal. However, I see your point that duplication can cause issues like this. In this case, it looks like the static class can be used to reduce...
$res['isFriend'] = (int) UserUtils::isFriend($uid, $puid) ?1:0; $res['icon'] = UserUtils::getUserAvatar($puid, $spacePro); $res['level_url'] =''; $res['name'] = $space['username']; $res['email'] = $space['email']; ...
1The API is used by the merchant to get user info from the authSite. Request Service address 1 Request Partameter 1.1 Header 1.2 Body 2 Response Parameter 2.1 Header 2.2 Body 3 Addtional Information 3.1 Result 3.2MobileNoInfo 4 Request Sample ...
This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from Object) UserSerialNumber Returns serial number of user as returned by UserManager#getSerialNumberForUser(UserHandle) UserType Returns type of the user as defined in Us...
text/plain) are the ones for which charset is recommended. superfluous_charset The method was called via a POST request, and the specified Content-Type is not defined to understand the charset parameter. However, charset was in fact present. Specifically, form-data content types (e.g. ...
The default is to use a local database on each node and then that means that refresh token is not valid on other nodes. This could explain why the introspection worked, it went to the node that had the refresh token. Where as in the userinfo endpoint...