“useRef()比 ref 属性更有用。它通过类似在 class 中使用实例字段的方式,非常方便地保存任何可变值。
通过 React.useRef and React.createRef: The Difference 这篇文章,你可以了解到 何时该使用它们。 2 概述 其实原文就阐述了这样一个事实:useRef 仅能用在 FunctionComponent, createRef 仅能用在 ClassComponent。 第一句话是显然的,因为 Hooks 不能用在 ClassComponent。 React+Typescript使用之:ReactRouter、@...
Most of the time, if you want to persist state across re-renders of your components you should be using useState instead of useRef. Defaulting to useState, and then only using useRef if you have a specific reason to do so is a good rule to code by!
关于useRef和createRef之间的区别:What's the difference betweenuseRefandcreateRef?
export default function CodeEditor({ onChange, value, height = 400, wrapperProps, disabled, editorOptions, }: ICodeEditorProps) { const theme = useTheme(); const [initialEditorValue] = useState(value ?? ""); const { tableState } = useFiretableContext(); const classes = useStyles(); con...
ReactJS 中 useRef 和 createRef 的区别 原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/difference-user ef-and-create ref-in-reactjs/ 什么是裁判?参考被定义为在组件被更改时不会触发组件重新渲染的任何值。这种行为违背了状态和道具的功能。一个引用可以通过两种方式来创建
Is there any reason not to "abuse" useState like that? 👍 14 mgtitimoli commented Apr 26, 2019 • edited // @flow import {useRef} from "react"; type HookRef<Value> = {| current: Value |}; const noValue = Symbol("lazyRef.noValue"); const useLazyRef = <Value>(getInitialValu...
Now a reasonable question: what's the main difference between reference and state? Reference and state diff Let's reuse the component LogButtonClicks from the previous section, but this time use useState() hook to count the number of button clicks: import { useState } from 'react'; function...