在Linux系统中,当你尝试使用useradd命令添加一个新用户时,有时会遇到一个警告信息:useradd: warning: the home directory already exists。这个警告意味着你尝试为新用户创建的家目录已经存在。这通常发生在以下几种情况: 目录被手动创建:可能有人已经手动创建了与新用户家目录同名的目录。 之前的用户创建失败:可能之...
useradd: warning: the home directory already exists. not copying any file from skel directory into it. 这条警告的含义是: 家目录已存在:你试图为新用户指定的家目录在系统中已经存在。 未从skel目录复制文件:由于家目录已存在,系统不会从/etc/skel目录(通常包含新用户账户的初始配置文件,如.bashrc、.pro...
useradd命令的哪个参数选项是用来指定用戶的home directory?() A.-dB.-hC.-uD.–a 点击查看答案&解析手机看题 你可能感兴趣的试题 单项选择题 UNIX下如何知道当前目录下使用多大空间?() A.Use dfB.Use du/C.Use du.D.Use df. 点击查看答案&解析手机看题 单项选择题 LINUX怎样更改文档的权限设置?() ...
■ CREATE_HOME: Indicates whether or not to create a home directory for new users. ■ USERGROUPS_ENAB: Set to yes to create a private group for all new users. That means that a new user has a group with the same name as the user as its default group. If set to no, all users ar...
[testhome@testvm01~]$pwd/opt/app/testhome 备注:测试成功,新建的用户都是在/opt/app下建的目录,切换用户之后,通过pwd看到的也是相同的目录 useradd的帮助命令: -b, --base-dirBASE_DIR The default base directoryforthe systemif-d HOME_DIR is not specified. BASE_DIR is concatenated with the accoun...
Linux useradd 命令用于建立用户帐号。 useradd 可用来建立用户帐号。帐号建好之后,再用 passwd 设定帐号...
Adding new user `arron' (1002) with group `arron' ... Creating home directory `/home/arron' ... Copying files from `/etc/skel' ... Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully Changing the user information for arron ...
('+') nor tilde ('~') nor contain a colon (':'), a comma (','), or a whitespace (space: ' ', end of line: '\n', tabulation: '\t', etc.). Note that using a slash ('/') may break the default algorithm for the definition of the user's home directory. 用户名不能...
root@liu:/home/liu/Desktop/Dos# sh t.sh `cat < username.txt` /home/student/stu1 Adding user `stu1' ... Adding new group `stu1' (1002) ... Adding new user `stu1' (1001) with group `stu1' ... Creating home directory `/home/student/stu1' ... ...
root@liu:/home/liu/Desktop/Dos# sh t.sh `cat <username.txt`/home/student/stu1 Adding user `stu1'...Addingnewgroup `stu1'(1002) ...Addingnewuser `stu1'(1001) with group `stu1'... Creating home directory `/home/student/stu1'...Copying filesfrom`/etc/skel'...EnternewUNIX passwor...