AspnetIdentity将UserTokens存储在数据库中的AspNetUserTokens表中。AspNetUserTokens表是Identity框架提供的默认表之一,用于存储用户的令牌信息。每个用户可以有多个令牌,例如用于密码重置、邮箱确认等操作的令牌。在AspNetUserTokens表中,令牌信息以键值对的形式存储,其中键表示令牌的用途,值表示令牌的具体内容。 AspnetIdentit...
是指将由外部登录提供程序生成的用户令牌(UserTokens)存储在ASP.Net核心应用程序中的一种机制。外部登录提供程序可以是第三方身份验证服务,如Facebook、Twitter、Google等。 这种机制的优势在于,它允许ASP.Net核心应用程序使用外部登录提供程序生成的用户令牌来验证和授权用户访问应用程序的资源。通过存储这些用户...
Once created, you can use your user token userCode and passCode to log in to access the IQ Server, API, and integrations. curl -u [userCode]:[passCode] http://localhost:8070/api/v2/organizations System Administrators You can query and delete user tokens via API. This includes an endpoint...
Use the User API to create and retrieve personal access tokens for the current Dremio user and delete personal access tokens for any Dremio user.note You must enable the use of personal access tokens to make API requests for user tokens.User Tokens Object ...
Accept user tokensto "Yes" if you want the application to accept tokens from other applications. Note that you can pass encrypted (recommended) or clear tokens to a Toolkit-based application. If you set this option to "No", and the application receives a user token on the request string,...
The user token feature establishes a two-part token for a user that the user can then use instead of providing a plain text username and password for authentication. User tokens provided added security beyond what reversible encryption provides and are especially useful when using single sign-on ...
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" --data "name=mytoken" --data "scopes[]=k8s_proxy" "" Example response: Copy to clipboard { "id": 3, "name": "mytoken", "revoked": false, "created_at...
User tokens The User Tokens Settings site preference determine if user information is passed to another application started from Workplace. Passing user information allows a user to access the application without having to log in again. For example, your site can have the optional IBM Enterprise ...
self.current_user = User.find_by_token_for(:new_email, params[:confirm_string]) if current_user&.new_email? = current_user.new_email @@ -89,7 +82,6 @@ def confirm_email else flash[:errors] = current_user.errors end current_user.tokens.delete_all session[:u...
This drops the user tokens table - draft for now until all the tokens have aged out and we are ready to drop the table