您可以通过创建测试 Pod、Service,并尝试访问、通信来验证网络权限是否按照我们的预期生效。 通过以上步骤,您可以成功实现"user-role network-admin",通过合理设置 RBAC 角色、网络策略、网络插件等,为您的 K8S 集群提供安全可靠的网络管理功能。希望以上内容对您入门 K8S 和理解用户角色、网络权限设置等概念有所帮助。
51CTO博客已为您找到关于user-role network-admin的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及user-role network-admin问答内容。更多user-role network-admin相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
如果配置成authorization-attribute user-role level-1或者authorization-attribute user-role level-3,不要下面这两条命令是否可行 1 . authorization-attribute user-role network-admin 2 . authorization-attribute user-role network-operator 2024-03-20提问 举报 (0) 1 个回答 按时间 按赞数 无名之辈 您好,...
用户角色名 权限 network-admin 可操作系统所有功能和资源(除安全日志文件管理相关命令display security-logfile summary、info-center security-logfile directory、security-logfile save之外) network-operator · 可执行系统所有功能和资源的相关display命令(除display history-command all、display security-logfile summary等...
UPDATE 19/01/2015:I received input through the comments that currently the quotes are no longer required, so the command would now beshell:roles=network-admin(no more quotes). I have not checked this myself, but consider yourself updated now :). The screenshots in this post have not been...
“Export/Import” module. You can export user role to the local file and import it to any WordPress site or other sites of the multi-site WordPress network. Roles and Users permissions management via Network Admin for multisite configuration. One click Synchronization to the whole network. ...
$action $api $asset $cache.org $cache.session $component $componentlabel $currentpage $fieldset $label $label.site $messagechannel $network $objecttype $organization $page $permission $profile $resource $scontrol $setup $site $system.origindatetime $user $user.uitheme および $user.uithem...
接受的值: Create, PauseAndResume, Start, Stop, AllowLocalAdmin, RemoteConnect, Remove, Shutdown, Checkpoint, Store, Save, Author, CanShare, CanReceive, CreateFromVHDOrTemplate, CheckpointRestoreOnly, AuthorVMNetwork, CreateShielded Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受...
Archive Network AE Attribute : NameTypeDescription (LDAP Attribute) Accepted User Role(s) string Roles of users from which web requests are accepted; any if absent.(dcmAcceptedUserRole) was configured as ${AUTH_USER_ROLE:-user} ${ADMIN_USER_ROLE:-admin} now: ${REGULAR_USER_ROLE:-user} ...
Let users perform management tasks in your Google Admin console—such as inviting and removing users—by giving them an administrator role. 您可以为用户分配管理员角色,让他们在 Google 管理控制台中执行管理工作,例如邀请或移除用户。 support.google Though the Board did not find fraudulent transaction...