用户定义异常(User-defined exceptions)是定制的异常类,这种异常类扩展了java.lang.Exception类。 hi.baidu.com|基于102个网页 2. 用户自定义异常 The Python Tutorial — Python... ... 8.4. Raising Exceptions 抛出异常 8.5.User-defined Exceptions用户自定义异常... ...
不是initsid.ora文件,而因该是INIT.ORA文件 在Oracle安装目录下的 ..\oracle\admin\IKK\pfile 和 ..\oracle\admin\pfile 目录下分别有一个INIT.ORA文件,找到 "utl_file_dir" 参数,如果没有,则添加一行,修改成如下:utl_file_dir= 从字面意思看是指:用户定义异常.将参数设为utl_file_dir ...
Before implementing a user-defined exception, you must declare the exception in the declaration section of a function, a procedure, a package, or an anonymous block. You can then raise the exception by using the RAISE statement: DECLARE exception_name EXCEPTION; BEGIN ... RAISE exception_name...
次要字段包含一个整数(VMCID),这与调用失败的更具体原因有关。该函数orber:exception_info/1可用于将次要代码映射到字符串。请注意,对于未被OMG或Orber分配的VMCID:,必须查阅该特定ORB的文档。 支持的系统异常 OMGCORBA规范定义了以下异常: 'BAD_CONTEXT'- 如果请求不包含正确的上下文,则引发此异常。
Oracle General Ledger - Version 12.0.0 and later: R12: GLPPOS Posting PERF0005 glpcsl() ORA-06510 PL/SQL: unhandled user-defined exception ORA-6512
Error msg: User-Defined Exception in Package OM_TAX_UTIL Procedure Tax_LineOn May 31, 2009 user disabled a Tax area ID for a city (As tax rule changed to tax at county level). It seems that the Interface Trip Stop program is passing the request date as the parameter to calculate the...
For user-defined exceptions that are measure based, the measure forms the foundation for that exception. After you select a measure, you can specify the dimension hierarchy and level for that measure, and the threshold value or measure to generate the exception. You can create an exception based...
When creating your own exceptions, end the class name of the user-defined exception with the word "Exception", and implement the three common constructors, as shown in the following example. The example defines a new exception class namedEmployeeListNotFoundException. The class is derived from ...
using System; public class EmployeeListNotFoundException : Exception { public EmployeeListNotFoundException() { } public EmployeeListNotFoundException(string message) : base(message) { } public EmployeeListNotFoundException(string message, Exception inner) : base(message, inner) { } } Note In si...