表4的结果显示 User-as-Graph 可以显著提升新闻推荐中用户建模的效果,从而取得更好的个性化新闻推荐的性能。 表4:不同方法在 MIND 数据集上的比较 图10进一步比较了 User-as-Graph 和几种常用的基于用户行为的用户建模方法。实验结果表明,User-as-Graph 在用户建模上有更好的效果。同时图11比较了所提出的 HG-P...
In this paper, we propose a novel user modeling approach for news recommendation, which models each user as a personalized heterogeneous graph built from user behaviors to better capture the fine-grained behavior relatedness. In addition, in order to learn user interest embedding from the ...
Get-MgUserDirectReportAsUser -UserId <String> [-ExpandProperty <String[]>] [-Property <String[]>] [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-Skip <Int32>] [-Sort <String[]>] [-Top <Int32>] [-ConsistencyLevel <String>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] ...
Possumwood is a graph-based procedural authoring tool, in concept not dissimilar to popular CG packages like Houdini, Blender or Maya. It is intended to serve as a sandbox for computer graphics algorithms and libraries, providing a user-friendly and codi
("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/"+EmailAddress+"/photo/$value",AadHttpClient.configurations.v1).then((res:HttpClientResponse)=>{res.blob().then((result:any)=>{consturl=URL.createObjectURL(result);resolve(url);});},(error:any):void=>{reject("GetUserImageURL Error: "...
Module: Microsoft.Graph.Applications Get the item of type microsoft.graph.directoryObject as microsoft.graph.user Observação To view the beta release of this cmdlet, view Get-MgBetaServicePrincipalOwnerAsUserSyntaxPowerShell Copiar Get-MgServicePrincipalOwnerAsUser -ServicePrincipalId <String> [...
The other option is to get them to signup themselves via a signup user flow but I'd rather avoid this as I want control over who is allowed to sign up. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/invitation-post?view=graph-rest-1.0&tabs=http) ...
JessieCode is a small DSL that acts as a middle layer between the user and JSXGraph. It's purpose is to restrict the user's access to the DOM and reduce the technical overhead and redundancy required to program JSXGraph mathlets. - jsxgraph/JessieCode
A tabela superior mostra as funções do perfil em formato de tabela. A tabela tem três colunas: symbols, self e total. Por padrão, a tabela é classificada por tempo próprio, mas pode ser reordenada pelo tempo total ou pelo nome do símbolo clicando nos cabeçalhos das colunas...
A very convenient function to split a plot into subplots is the page option in Graph Builder. Unfortunately, such "pages" are always placed below each other What is the improvement you would like to see? When a column is used as page in Graph Builder, please add...