选择代理: 客户端请求是 receivedby 后选择代理此代理搜索,功能上查找服务 AgentDirectory matchuser 的需求。QoS 属性类似 thefunctionally 有关 web 服务将是 queriedfrom QoS 存储库。选择代理 thenperforms QoS 钻井本协议和选择最合适的 servicesatisfying 用户首选项 QoS 的聚类技术 ...
aSelection Agent: After the client request is received by the selection agent this agent searches the Agent Directory to find the services that functionally match user’s needs. The QoS properties related to the functionally similar web services will be queried from the QoS Repository. The ...
Google User-Agent: Googlebot / 2.1(+ http://www.googlebot.com/bot.html) Bing用户代理: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0 +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm) 百度用户代理 Baiduspider +(+ http://www.baidu.com/search/spider.htm) 雅虎用户代理 Mozilla / 5.0(兼容; Yahoo!Slurp; http...