● UME maps (B) System users from the AS ABAP data source to this type. Well known users of this type include: SAPJSF and ADSuser. Although SAPJSF is a technical user, you cannot log on to the AS Java with it for security reasons. More information: SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP User Man...
Taleo Enterprise Taleo Recruiting User Guide Feature Pack 12A May 3, 2012 Confidential Information and Notices Confidential Information The recipient of this document (hereafter referred to as "the recipient") agrees that the Confidential Information disclosed herein by Taleo shall be retained in ...
TYPE tt_sel_tab,lt_table TYPE STANDARDTABLEOF zorder_guid.SELECTstsma stonrINTOCORRESPONDING FIELDS OFTABLElt_tj30FROMtj30.LOOP AT lt_tj30 ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<tj30>).AT NEW stsma.lv_valid_found=abap_false.ENDAT.IF<tj30>-stonrISNOTINITIAL.lv_valid_found=abap_true.ENDIF....
firstName name.givenName givenName lastName name.familyName surName workMail emails[type eq "work"].value Mail manager manager manager tag urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:CustomExtensionName:2.0:User:tag extensionAttribute1 status active isSoftDeleted (computed value not stored on use...
This is basically the star schema or snowflake method of creating dimensions in a relational database. This type of design promotes faster processing because each transaction record has fewer business keys to process when identifying the category with which the measure values are associated. Define ...
. . 873 14 P U B L I C User Guide Content 1 Welcome Welcome to SAP Information Steward, your single environment to discover, assess, define, monitor, and improve the quality of your enterprise data. Information Steward provides a module to support specific areas of enterprise data management...
b~stsmaINlt_option.DELETEFROMzorder_guid.INSERTzorder_guidFROMTABLElt_table.COMMITWORKANDWAIT.WRITE:/'table inserted'.BREAK-POINT. 这段ABAP 程序的主要作用是从两个 SAP CRM 数据表中检索数据,并将符合特定条件的数据插入到一个自定义的数据表中。程序中还包括一些控制逻辑,用于选择符合条件的数据和执行...
For CREATE USERGROUP statement this is only valid however if CONNECT mode (connect_mode) is not specified in the CREATE USER statement. If CONNECT mode is not specified, ENABLE CONNECT is implicitly assumed. ENABLE and DISABLE cannot both be specified at the same time. ENABLE CONNECT: The ...
単位の種類 items.unitType string サブスクリプションの単位の種類。 作成日時 items.creationDate string サブスクリプションの作成日。 Effective start date items.effectiveStartDate string サブスクリプションが有効になる開始日。 Commitment end date items.commitmentEndDate string サブスクリ...
什么是SAPCRM⾥的⽤户状态(userstatus)Created by Jerry Wang on Feb 19, 2016 (1) define a new user status profile in customizing below:(2) maintain the status transition relationship. The example below defines the following state transition:a. Created status could only navigate to In process...