Definition: A user story is a small, self-contained unit of development work designed to accomplish a specific goal within a product. A user story is usually written from the user’s perspective and follows the format: “As [a user persona], I want [to perform this action] so that [I...
This can be called a miss by the Product Owner or Business Analyst, but this has to be done. Implementing one feature successfully but breaking something along with it is not desirable to the customers. This needs to be done along with the same user story and in the same sprint. Case #...
Scrum培训中讲到一个重要的资产就是Product Backlog(产品待办列表),它是一个动态的列表,包含可能会进入产品的工作。每个条目称为PBI,通常,用户故事(user story)作为一种常见的PBI形式。目录 [隐藏目录]1 用户故事 User Story1.1 什么是用户故事?1.2 Jeff Paton升级Ron Jeffries的5C1.3 优秀用户故事的六...
A user story is an informal, general explanation of a software feature written from the perspective of the end user or customer. The purpose of a user story is to articulate how a piece of work will deliver a particular value back to the customer. Note that "customers" don't have to be...
(1)满足DOD(Definition of Done)。DOD可以是开发组织的惯例、标准或指南,也可以是适用于本团队的定制约定。比如需要所有测试案例都通过,代码都走查过,仪表盘显示都通过等。 (2)基于所有人对User story的理解一致的基础上,满足所有AC点。 比如,检查AC点是否满足前需要先确定前端页面与UI设计一致,异常情况处理符合系...
Some devs refer to these conditions as product requirements or “definition of done.” For example, if your product fulfills all the functions a user needs to meet their goals, it meets the criteria. Your story may also involve more than one acceptance criterion. Acceptance criteria are ...
Definition of Done What is the scope? There should be a continuous set of exterior walls around the house, with a diagonal basketweave-style facade on both sides of the wall. End-to-end width of the wall should be no less than 12 inches at any point. To define when a story is compl...
The goal is that when the user story is done, the user can do something of value to them. Group user stories which offer a feature in the same domain, or its good to group a certain feature or use case into a single Epic or even multiple Epics. Ideally you’ll break up your featur...
This format is designed to help the story writer be descriptive and to drive better discussions about implementation with the rest of their team. Done right, the format helps prompt the following important questions: If answering those questions seems like a lot of work, I’ll mention here that...
A user story is a tool in Agile software development used to capture a description of a software feature from a user's perspective.